Author: Maria Mirassol


Gypsum dunes, White Sands National Monument, New Mexico


“According to an Apache creation story, the Giver of Life told of a coming deluge and directed White Painted Woman to an abalone shell.  She took refuge in the floating shell until the waters receded and the shell came to rest at White Sands, where she gave birth to two children, Son of the Sun and Child of the Water.  Also known as Changing Woman, she is the greatest cultural hero of the Apache, who have lived in this area since the 1400s.  She teaches how to rid the world of evil, and she never ages, continually renewed to a youthful appearance in the same way that these sands are continually re-created.”[1]  


video links:

Helen Hardin: Changing Woman

Navajo Changing Woman Basket by Elsie Holiday Video

Changing Woman Conference





State of: instability, uncertainty, imbalance, inconstancy, alternation, anxiety, changeability, disequilibrium, fluctuation, fluidity, hesitation, impermanence, inconsistency, mutability, oscillation, precariousness, restlessness, shakiness, unpredictability, unreliability, unsteadiness, vacillation, variability, volatility, vulnerability, wavering,... 


In-Between Places

“There are places in this world that are neither here nor there, neither up nor down, neither real nor imaginary.  These are the in-between places, difficult to find and even more challenging to sustain.  Yet they are the most fruitful places of all.  For in these liminal narrows a kind of life takes place that is out of the ordinary, creative, and once in a while genuinely magical.”[2]


Places of Transit

Places of transit (stations and airport lounges, trams, shuttle buses, and check-in areas)

“In between zones where all ties are suspended and time stretched to a sort of continuous present.  Oases of nonbelonging, spaces of detachment. No-(wo)man’s lands.”[3] 


Location of Culture

Homi Bhabha refers to the “in-between” spaces as “terrain[s] for elaborating strategies of selfhood – singular or communal – that initiate new signs of identity, and innovative sites of collaboration, and contestation, in the act of defining the idea of society itself….It is in the emergence of the interstices – the overlap and displacement of domains of difference – that the intersubjectivity and collective experiences of nationness, community interest, or cultural value are negotiated.”[4] 



We also know from Ortiz that the “between” is transculturación: the “collision of cultures,” and “denotes transition, passage, process” – it’s that “liminal zone without clearly identifiable borders, where diverse cultures converge without merging.”[5]  


Space of Translation

“The between…refers to that space of translation where the self or one culture encounters, and more importantly, interacts with an “other” or another culture. It is a fertile space, and disquieting, because, if explored fully, it proves to be a sphere (or zone) in which one both abandons and assumes associations.”[6]



Although, the translator may exhaust all physical, emotional and intellectual resources during the task of translation, or rather while performing “a balancing act” within the in-between, there is an outcome to the anguish: a discourse is constructed.  “Somewhere between sacrifice and playfulness, prison and transgression, submission to the code and aggression, obedience and rebellion, assimilation and expression – there, in this apparently empty space, its temple and its clandestinity, is where…discourse is constructed.[7]


Lost In-between

I'm the Adam of two Edens lost to me twice

Expel me slowly. Kill me slowly

With Garcia Lorca

Under my olive tree


Mahmud Darwish




[1] Courtney Milne, Spirit of the Land. Toronto: Viking Canada, 1994.

[2] Thomas Moore, “Neither Here nor There.” Parabola 25:1 (2000) 34.

[3] Rosi Braidotti. Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994. (18-19)

[4] Homi K. Bhabha. The Location of Culture. London : Routledge, 1994. (1-2)

[5] Anuradha Dingwaney and Carol Maier. Between Languages and Cultures: Translation and Cross-Cultural Texts. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995. (8)

[6] Ibid.

[7] Santiago, Silviano. The Space in Between: Essays on Latin American Culture. Durham: Duke University Press, 2001. (38)