408x Projects


4080 & 4081 Projects


Several projects in the areas found under Research can be done for 4080 (and 4081). The projects can start as soon as the next approaching term, or any future term within reasonable scheduling.

Main requirements (in addition to the normal departmental course completion requirements):

If you are interested, please contact me, but first read the fine print below ...

(The fine print: be specific when inquiring. Questions of the sort "I am interested in <prospective title of your> project/area of interest, which I believe is related to your <paper reference> paper/area of interest, because <reasons here>" are treated much more seriously than questions of the sort "Can I do a 4080 project for the [S|F|W]  term?". Be as specific as possible. Email from your 'yorku' or from your 'cse.yorku' account.)


The main web site for this course is at http://www.cse.yorku.ca/course/4080/


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