For each literature reference there may be reviews submitted by users of the system.
a user can submit a new review or read any of the available reviews for any particular literature item.
A web service should be associated with this module. The name of the web service should be WS_Reviews.
your application should provide functionality for both submitting a review and reading an existing review, via the WS_Reviews Web Service.
the web service method related to submitting a new review should be named WS_Reviews_ReviewSubmit( literatureItem, ... )
the web service method related to reading a review should be named WS_Reviews_ReviewRequest( literatureItem, ... ). This web service returns all reviews pertaining to the specified literatureItem. The return type of this web service should be an array of LiteratureReview. LiteratureReview should be class. The design and implementation of this class is left to you.
the parameter literatureItem of the above web services should be an object of type LiteratureItem.
LiteratureItem should be a class that represents a literature reference (such as the ones described under the "References to Literature" link. The design of his class is left to you.
web service method WS_Reviews_ReviewSubmit could have other parameters, in addition to literatureItem. The decision of what those parameters would be is left to you.
web service method WS_Reviews_ReviewRequest could have other parameters, in addition to literatureItem. The decision of what those parameters would be is left to you.
web service method WS_Reviews_ReviewSubmit should access a DB (via ADO) in which all reviews are stored and save the submitted review to that DB. The design of the DB is left to you. If you wish, you can have appropriate files that support this DB (for example, XML files, each of which represents a review). .
web service method WS_Reviews_ReviewRequest should access a DB (via ADO) in which all reviews are stored, and extract the requested reviews from that DB. The design of this DB is left to you, as above.
the return types of the WS_Reviews_ReviewSubmit web service method is left to you (although should be rather obvious).
the reviews availability should be linked and made accessible from within the link "References to Literature". i.e., for each reference to literature there  should be a link for the reviews for that reference. In other words, this web page should be incorporated in your application as part of the references to literature functionality. The design of how to do that is left to you.