Instructor:              Prof. Norbert Bartel, PSE 331 (Zoom) ,

Course Number:    PHYS 3250 3.0 F

Time/Location:       MWF 12:30 Ð 13:30 / Zoom

Textbooks:             Satellite Communications, 4th edition, D. Roddy, McGraw-Hill, 2006

    (Satellite Communication Systems Engineering, 2nd edition, W. L. Pritchard,

H. G. Suyderhoud, R. A. Nelson, Prentice Hall, 1992

                               Satellite Communications, T. Pratt, C. W. Bostian, John Wiley & Sons, 1986)

 Recommended:     Video: Testing EinsteinÕs Universe Ð The Gravity Probe B Mission, N. Bartel


Course Contents:       1. History and Overview of Present Status


2. Orbital Aspects of Satellite Communications

2.1 Orbits

2.2 Perturbations

2.3 Visibility

2.4 Launches


3. Spacecraft

3.1 Power systems

3.2 Attitude and orbit control

3.3 Telemetry, tracking and command

3.4 Transponders

3.5 Antennae


4. Earth Station

4.1 Antennae

4.2 Transmitters/receivers


5. Communications Link

5.1 Transmission path

5.2 Noise temperature

5.3 Link equation


                                    6. Modulation and Multiplexing Techniques

                                                6.1 Analogue transmission

                                                6.2 Digital transmission


                                    7. Multiple Access to a Satellite

                                                7.1 FDMA

                                                7.2 TDMA

                                                7.3 CDMA



Evaluation:       In-class quizzes:           10% of final mark

 Homework:                    25% of final mark

 Midterm exam:               25% of final mark

 Final exam:                    40% of final mark



Office hours: P331, MW 14:00-14:45 Zoom

Midterm exam: Wed. October 20, 2021,  Final exam: TBA