Bee Galleries

Each gallery includes images of one male and one female of each taxon, with some exceptions. If you have specimens of any taxon that are not present in our image bank, please consider letting us borrow a nice specimen for imaging or taking an image for us.

[Bees of Canada Gallery]

Bees of Canada

[Bee Tribes of the World Gallery]

Bee Tribes of the World

[Bee Genera of the World Gallery]

Bee Genera of the World

Other Galleries

Bees of Malawi Identifications by Connal Eardley.

Field Trips

Online Keys

[[Key icon]]

Bee Families of the World: An interactive and illustrated key to identifying any bee of the world to family level.

[[Key icon]]

Andreninae Genera of the World: An interactive and illustrated key to identifying the Andreninae of the world to genus.

[[Key icon]]

Bee Genera of Eastern Canada: The 39 genera of bees found in Canada east of Manitoba are keyed in dichotomous format with all key features illustrated. Habitus photographs of males and females of representatives of all genera are provided. The biology of bees in general, and outlines of the biology of each genus are summarized.

[Laurence in a good mood]
Dr. Laurence Packer
Ph.D. (Toronto)
Professor of Biology
416-736-2100 ext. 22663
[Packer Collection @ York University]
[Biology Department @ York University]
Lumbers Building 345
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario
M3J1P3, Canada