Qualities vs. Quantities

·         Chemical properties seem qualitative

·         “virtues,” “active principles” (Newton)

·         The new science required quantities

·         Matter and motion


Phlogiston Theory A good overview of the whole topic

J. J. Becher

Georg Ernest Stahl

·         1660-1734

·         phlogiston – the fire principle

Phlogiston’s properties

·         Released when wood burns, metals calcify and rust

·         Produces heat when escaping

·         Found in organic matter

·         Metal calces could be re-impregnated with phlogiston

·         Plants absorb phlogiston

·         Combustion impossible in a vacuum


Phlogiston’s problem

·         Calces weigh more than original metal

·         Ad hoc explanation: phlogiston possesses levity (lighter than nothing)



·         Van Helmont (1597-1644)

·         The name “gas” from the Greek caoV, from which we get “chaos” in English

·         Stephen Hales’ Pneumatic Trough to collect gases in a chemical reaction (liberated “airs”)

New gases discovered

·         Joseph Black (1728-1799)

·         “Fixed Air” (CO2)

·         Quantity of Heat (as opposed to temperature)

·         Specific Heat

·         Latent Heat


The Discovery of Oxygen


Joseph Priestley (1733-1804)


Antoine Lavosier (1743-1794)




John Dalton

n      Multiple proportions reveal discrete units

n      E.g. multiple proportions of oxygen and carbon (CO and CO2)


n      Amadeo Avogadro

n      Volumes of gases in compounds

n      A given volume of gas contains a fixed number of molecules

n      E.g. Water = 2 vols of hydrogen and 1 of oxygen à H2O


Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907)

n      Mendeleev notes groups of atoms

n      All in Group I form compounds with oxygen in 2:1 ratio

n      All in Group II form compounds with oxygen in 1:1 ratio

n      Gaps in periodic sequence

n      Mendeleev predicts element he called eka-Aluminum

n      Later discovered, named Gallium, in 1874
