FACS 1900 Interdisciplinary research paper/critical work

Format: What should the essay look like?

Each submission must include a title page (with the course name and number, my name, your name and student number, your tutor's name, and your section and tutorial number.) All pages following the title page must be numbered. If you decide to augment your submission with visual material, it must be cleanly presented and clearly labelled. The source(s) must also be documented. Please ensure that you document your text, using footnotes or endnotes, so that you avoid plagiarism (To review the definition of plagiarism, see the statement included on the FACS homepage for students in all sections under the heading Academic Honesty. You can find a link to the page for all sections from our own class website). Your essay must be submitted with a bibliography of all sources you cited in your essay.

Style: You may use any style guide you like. A style guide is basically a set of formal conventions used by a particular discipline. If you are in a humanities discipline, we suggest you use the MLA (Modern languages Association) style guide. Style guides are available in any library. General essay-writing guides for undergraduate students also contain this kind of information (one of these guides is cited on your syllabus for this course). Style guides are also available online.

How long? Essays should be between 8 and 10 double-spaced pages. If you are producing work in an alternative form -- a website, for example -- we expect the equivalent amount of work from you. If you are not handing in an essay, you must clear the project with your TA so you can discuss format/expectations with her/him at that time.

Can you write in the first person? YES!