FACS1900 B: Arts and Ideas
Lecture Thursday 2:30-5:30
Dr. Caitlin Fisher



About listservs and webct for 1900C

If you've made it this far, you know that most of the information relating to our section of FACS1900 (section C) is mounted on a publically accessible website -- in other words, you can access most material without needing a password.

Some tutorial sectionsof this class may elect to use a web-based course management system known as WebCT.   Essentially, webct operates like a security-protected webspace, just for our class. Your tutorial leader will let you know if your section will use webct to foster discussion.

In FACS 1900C some tutorial leaders may elect to foster discussion via an email listserv instead.

In either case, the principle rationale behind introducing technology to this classroom is to foster the intellectual community we are building here and to increase your opportunities for exchange and learning.  I expect you to use webct or the listserv as a space to ask questions about the lecture or assigned reading, cite a passage you found particularly challenging/intriguing (and state why you found it so); identify a larger topic or question that you think connects different texts; offer a critique of one or more of the pieces, give assistance and share information, advice and resources. Taking part in these exchanges is mandatory (and should be fun ;) and your effort will be reflected in your participation grade.