FACS 4930.06:
Cultural Theory through Interactive Multimedia

Further Readings in the Area of Cultural Theory and hypermedia
These texts may be helpful to you as you design/craft/conceptualize
your final projects
(Some of these resources are online, but most are print sources. You should also take a look at the bookmark file).

Aarseth, Espen. "Non-linearity and Literary Theory." Hyper/text Theory. Ed. George Landow. Baltimore: The John's Hopkins University Press, 1994. 51-80.

---. Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.

Albright, Julie. Of Mind, Body and Machine: Cyborg Cultural Politics in the Age of Hypertext. University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 1996.

Amerika, Mark. "Stitch Bitch: The Hypertext Author As Cyborg-Femme Narrator." Amerika Online 7 (1998).

Amerika, Mark. "Tryptich: Hypertext, SurFiction, Storyworlds." Amerika Online .10 (1998).

Anzaldua, Gloria. Borderland/LaFrontera. San Francisco: Aunt Lute, 1987.

Arnold, Josi. "Feminist Poetics and Cybercolonisation." Cyberfeminism: Connectivity, Critique and Connectivity. Eds. Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein. Melbourne: Spinifex, 1999. 250-277.

Arnold, Mary Kim. "Lust". Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext 1 (2). Watertown, MA: Eastgate Systems, 1994.

Austin, Andrea. "Notes on the Collision Between Humanities Scholarship and Hypertext: Virtuality Rewarded?"." TEXT Technology 6.3 (1996).

Bakhtin, Mikhail M. Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics. Trans.and Ed. Caryl Emerson. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984.

Bakhtin, Mikhail M. "Discourse in the Novel." The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays by M. M. Bakhtin. Trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. Ed. Michael Holquist. Austin: U of Texas P, 1981.

Balka, Ellen. "Where Have all the Feminist Technology Critics Gone?" Loka Alert November 11, 1999.

Balsamo, Anne. Technologies of the Gendered Body: Reading Cyborg Women. Durham: Duke UP, 1995.

Barger, Jorn (1998). Timeline of Hypertext History. Available: http://www.mcs.net/~jorn/html/net/timeline.html.

Barrett, Edward, ed. The Society of the Text: Hypertext, Hypermedia and the Social Construction of Information. Cambridge/London: MIT Press, 1989.

Barthes, Roland, "The Death of the Author." The Rustle of Language. Trans. R. Howard. New York: Hill and Wang, 1986: 52-53.

Barthes, Roland. S/Z An Essay. Trans. Richard Miller. New York: Hill, 1974.

Baudrillard, J. America. London: Verso, 1988.

Baudrillard, Jean. Selected Writings. Ed. Mark Poster. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988.

Bell, David, and Gill Valentine, eds. Mapping Desire. London: Routledge, 1995.

Belton, Robert J. Word of Art. 1996. website. Department of Fine Arts, Okanagan University College. Available: http://www.arts.ouc.bc.ca/fiar/glossary/.

Benjamin, Walter. Illuminations: Essays and Reflections. Ed. Hannah Arendt. New York: Schocken Books, 1968.

Bernstein, Charles. "An Mosaic for Convergence." Electronic Book Review 6 image and narrative (1) (1997).

Bernstein, Mark. Electronic Gardens. 1998. website. Eastgate Systems, Inc. Available: http://www.eastgate.com/garden/.

---. "Tools of the Trade." Riding the Meridian 1.1 (1999).

Binhammer, Katherine, Jennifer Henderson, and Lianne Moyes. "Introduction: Feminist(s) Project(s)/Projets (des) feministes." Tessera 15 (1993).

Birkerts, Sven. The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age. Boston: Faber and Faber, 1994.

Blair, David. WAXWEB. 1994-1999. Available: http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/wax/.

Blair, Kristine, and Pamela Takayoshi. "Navigating the Image of Woman Online." Kairos: a Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments 2.2 (1997).

Bolter, Jay David. Writing Space: The Computer Hypertext, and the History of Writing. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1991.

Bolter, Jay David, and Richard Grusin. "Remediation." Configurations 4.3 (1996): 311-358.

Bookchin, Natalie. The Intruder. Website - Based on a story by Jorge Luis Borges.
Available: http://www.calarts.edu/~bookchin/intruder/ 1999.

Borges. Jorge Luis (1944). Ficciones. NY: Grove Press, 1962.

Boyer, Christine. Crossing Cybercities: The Democratic Performance of Cyberspace. University of California, Santa Barbara, 1999.

Braxton, Joanne. M. Black Women Writing Autobiography: A Tradition within a Tradition, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989.

Braidotti, Rosi. "Cyberfeminism with a difference". 1996. University of Utrecht. Available: http://www.let.ruu.nl/womens_studies/rosi/cyberfem.htm.

Brennan, Karen. "The contemporary long poem: feminist intersections and experiments." Women's Studies 27.i5 (1998): 507(31).

Brigham, Linda. "CYBERINTHIAN WAYS." Electronic Book Review (1995).

Brink, Andre. The Novel: Language and Narrative from Cervantes to Calvino. New York: New York UP, 1998.

Broude, Norma. "Miriam Schapiro and `Femmage': Reflections on the Conflict Between Decoration and Abstraction in Twentieth-Century Art." Feminism and Art History: Questioning the Litany. Eds. Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard. New York: Harper and Rowe, 1982. 315-329.

Burbules, N. "Rhetorics of the Web: Hyperreading and Critical Literacy." Page to Screen: Taking Literacy into the Electronic Era. Ed. I. Snyder. Vol. 102-122. Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1997.

Burdick, Anne. "Reading Writing Space." Electronic Book Review (1996).

Burnett, Kathleen. "Toward a Theory of Hypertextual Design." Postmodern Culture 3.2 (1993).

Bush, Vannevar. "As We May Think." The Atlantic 176.1 (July 1945): 101-108.
Available: http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/flashbks/computer/bushf.htm.

Bush, Vannevar. "Memex Revisited." Science is Not Enough. New York: William Morrow, 1967. 75-101.

Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York: Routledge, 1990.

Callus, Ivan. "Cover to Cover: Paratextual Play in Milorad Pavic's Dictionary of the Khazars." Electronic Book Review 8.east/euro/pomo (1998).

Cameron, Deborah. "Gender and Language Gender, Language, and Discourse: A Review Essay." Signs 23.4 ( 1998): 945(1).

Cameron, Shirley "Knitting Performances." Women and Craft. Ed. Gillian Elinor et al. London: Virago, 1987.

Carlisle, Barbara. "Salon theatre: homemade bread. (performing drama in homes and other alternative spaces)." TDR 40.4 (1996): 56 (14).

Carroli, Linda and Josephine Wilson. *water writes always in *plural. Website, Available: http://ensemble.va.com.au/water 1998.

Case, Sue-Ellen. The Domain-Matrix: Performing Lesbian at the End of Print Culture,. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1997.

Case, Sue-Ellen. "Eve's Apple, Or Women's Narrative Bytes." Modern Fiction Studies 43.3 (1997): 631-650.

Chaikin, Ellen. Between the Political and the Non-Political: Critical Readings of Hurston's "Sweat" and "The Gilded Six-Bits". July 1996. American Literature Research and Analysis Web Site. Available: http://itech.fgcu.edu/faculty/wohlpart/alra/hurston.htm.

Cixous, Helene, and Mireille Calle-Gruber. Rootprints: Memory and Life Writing. Trans. Eric Prenowitz. New York/London: Routledge, 1997.

---, and Catherine Clement. The Newly Born Woman. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press, 1986

---. "Coming to Writing" and Other Essays. Deborah Jansen, Ed. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1991.

---. "The Laugh of the Medusa." Patricia Bizzell, and Bruce Herzberg, eds. The Rhetorical Tradition. Boston: Bedford Books, 1990.

Cleary, Suzanne Langley. "Mabel Dodge Luhan's "Intimate Memories": a Life Suffused with Language." . Indiana University, 1996.

Code, Lorraine. Rhetorical Spaces: Essays on Gendered Locations. New York: Routledge, 1995.

Colomina, Beatriz. "Reflections on the Eames House." The Anxiety of Interdisciplinarity. Ed. Alex Coles and Alexia Defert. Vol. 2. Interdisciplinarity: art/architecture/theory. London: Backless Books, 1998. 115-134.

Congress, Library of. Preview -- The Work of Charles and Ray Eames A Legacy of Invention (Library of Congress Exhibition). 1999. website. Library on Congress. Available: http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/eames/preview.html.

Consenstein, Peter. "Memory and Oulipian Constraints." Postmodern Culture 6.1 (1996).

Cortazar, Julio. Hopscotch. New York: Pantheon Books. Translated from the Spanish by Gregory Rabassa, 1966.

Cooley, Nicole Ruth. "The Avant-garde at the End of the Century: Gertrude Stein, Postmodernism and Contemporary Women Writers (Kathy Acker, Carole Maso, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha)." Phd. Emory University, 1996.

Coover, Robert. "The End of Books." The New York Times Book Review 21 June 1992: 1, 23-24.

Cotnoir, Louise. "Foreword: Autograph(e)." Tessera 8, 1990.

Cotton, R. Oliver and B. Understanding hypermedia: From multimedia to virtual reality. London: Phaidon Press, Ltd., 1992.

Cousineau, Diane. Letters and Labyrinths: Women Writing/Cultural Codes. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1997.

Coverley, M.D. Fibonacci's Daughter Available <http://www.cddc.vt.edu/journals/newriver/7/Fibonacci/choice.htm>
FingerPrints on Digital Glass Available <http://califia.hispeed.com/home.htm>

Cramer, Kathryn. "In Small & Large Pieces." Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext 1(3) Eastgate Systems: Cambridge, 1994.

Dartnell, Michael. "HTML as Needlepoint." CTHEORY: THEORY, TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE 22.3, article 77, 1999.

Deemer, Charles. "THE NEW HYPERDRAMA: How hypertext scripts are changing the parameters of dramatic storytelling". 1996. website. Available: http://www.teleport.com/~cdeemer/new-hyperdrama.html 1997.

Deepwell, Katy. "Restaging the Mise en Scene." N. Paradoxa (1996).

Derrida, Jacques. "A Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences translated Alan Bass." Trans. Alan Bass. Writing and Difference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978.

DeVoss, Danielle, and Keri Hungerford. "Writing, Women, Spaces, Screens: Feminist Theories of Technology and Writing Centers." Re(soundings) 2.1 (1988).

Diamond, Sara. "Gender and Technology", Variant 16, Winter/Spring, 1994.

Dickey, William. "Poem Descending a Staircase: Hypertext and the Simultaneity of Experience." Hypermedia and Literary Studies. Ed. Paul Delany and George P. Landow. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994. 143-152.

Douglas, J. Yellowlees. "Gaps, Maps and Perception: What Hypertext Readers (Don't) Do." Perforations 3 (1996).

Douglas, J. Yellowlees. "'How Do I Stop This Thing?': Closure and Indeterminacy in Interactive Narratives" in Landow, Hyper/Text/Theory 159-188.

Drozdz, Maya. "Evidence: Meditations on Small Objects." Available: http://www.urban.net/maya/evidence/

Drucker, Johanna. The Century of Artists' Books. New York: Granary Books, 1995.

---. Simulant Portrait. New York: Pyramid Atlantic, 1990.

---. The Visible Word: Experimental Typography and Modern Art, 1909-1923. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Duplessis, Rachel Blau. Writing Beyond the Ending: Narrative Strategies of Twentieth Century Women Writers. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985.

---. The Pink Guitar: Writing as Feminist Practice. New York: Routledge, 1990.

---, and Ann Snitow. The Feminist Memoir Project: Voices from Women's Liberation. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1998.

---. Workings of the Spirit: The Poetics of African-American Women's Writing, check.**

Elias, Amy J. "Fragments that Rune Up the Shores: Pushing the Bear, Coyote Aesthetics, and Recovered History." Modern Fiction Studies 45.1 (1999): 185-211.

Falk, Lorne. "The Affective Interface." Electronic Book Review 9: Gathering of Threads (1999).

Farrell, Stephen. "Body Language in the Paper Theater." Electronic Book Review 9: Gathering of Threads (1999).

FEED (1995). Digital Thinking, Page Versus Pixel, Part One of FEED's Dialog on Electronic Text. http://www.feedmag.com/95.05dialog1.html

Felberbaum, Alicia. holes-linings-threads: the future looms. Website. Available: http://www.felber.dircon.co.uk/holesliningsthreads/

Felix, Joel. "Nothing New Under the Sun--A New Sun Each Day : Introduction to EBR special issue on (Electro) Poetics". 1997. Electronic Book Review. Available: http://www.altx.com/ebr/ebr5/felix.htm.

Flax, Jane. Thinking Fragments: Psychoanalysis, feminism and postmodernism in teh contemporary wets. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.

Fletcher, Amy. Feminine Ecriture and Hypertext: Finding Space for the Feminine Body in Cyberspace. 1998. website. Available: http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Metro/1022/femecrit.htm 1999.

Foucault, Michel. The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language. Trans. A. M. Sheridan Smith. New York: Pantheon, 1972.

Foucault, Michel. " What is an Author?" Language, Countermemory, Practice. ed. Donald F. Bouchard. Cornell UP: Ithaca, 1977.

Friedman, Susan Stanford. Mappings: Feminism and the Cultural Geographies of Encounter. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998.

Fuss, Diana. ""Essentially Speaking"; Luce Irigaray's Language of Essence." Revaluing French Feminism: Critical Essays on Difference, Agency, and Culture. Eds. Nancy Fraser and Sandra Bartky. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992. 94-112.

Garcia, Jacalyn Lopez. Glass Houses: A Tour of American Assimilation from a Mexican-American Perspective. http://www.cmp.ucr.edu/students/glasshouses/

Gennaro, Cristina de. The Political Poetics of Hélène Cixous: Language Inscribed By The Body and Vice Versa, 1999.

Gilbert, Pamela. "On Space, Sex and Stalkers." Available: http://www.echonyc.com/~women/Issue17/art-gilbert.html Women and Performance 17: Sexuality and Cyberspace. 13 May 1999 .

Gillespie, Faith. "The Masterless Way: Weaving an Active Resistance." Women and Craft. Ed. Gillian Elinor et al. London: Virago, 1987.

Gladwell, Adele Olivia. Catamania: The Dissonance of Female Pleasure and Dissent. London: Creation Books, 1995.

Godard, Barbara. "Essentialism? A Problem in Discourse." Tessera 10 (1991): 22-39.

Golding, Sue. " There's always one more technology of otherness: an inter(net)view by Joanna Zylinska." Culture Machine: Advancing Cultural Studies 1.1 (1999).

Greco, Diane. Cyborg: Engineering the Body Electric. 1995. Storyspace hypertext. Eastgate Systems.

Greco, Diane. Hypertext with Consequences: Recovering a Politics of Hypertext. Washington, DC, 1996.

Greco, Diane. "Swiveling My Hips through the Interbunk." PIF 32 (2000).

Greenheart, Adrienne (1996). Six sex scenes: a novella in hypertext by adrienne greenheart. Alt-X: http://www.altx.com/hyperx/sss/index.htm.

Guertin, Carloyn. "Three-Dimensional Woman:The Visual Discourses of Female Desire in Nicole Brossard's Holographic Hyperfiction." Electronic Book Review 7: Image and Narrative (1998).

Guertin, Carolyn. "QUEEN BEES AND THE HUM OF THE HIVE." Beehive 1.2 (1999).

Guyer, Carolyn, and Martha Petry. "Notes for Izme Pass Expose." Writing at the Edge 2.2 (1991).

Guyer, Carolyn. Buzz-Daze Jazz and the Quotidian Stream. 1992. Panel on Hypertext, Hypermedia: Defining a Fictional Form, MLA Convention. New York, 28 Dec. 1992. Available: http://mothermillennia.org/Carolyn/Buzz_Daze.html 1996.

Guyer, Carolyn. "Written on the Web: Carolyn Guyer examines the state of web fiction." FEED September 1995.

Guyer, Carolyn. Along the Estuary. 1996. website. Available: http://mothermillennia.org/Carolyn/Estuary.html.

Guyer, Carolyn. Quibbling. Cambridge, MA: Eastgate Systems, 1993.

Guyer, Carolyn. Fretwork: ReForming Me. 1998. website. Available: http://mothermillennia.org/Carolyn/Fretwork1.html

Guyer, Carolyn (USA). Mother Millennia Project. Available: http://mothermillennia.org/

Haraway, Donna. Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. New York: Routledge, 1991.

Haraway, Donna J. "A Game of Cat's Cradle: Science Studies, Feminist Theory, Cultural Studies." Configurations 2.1 (1994): 59-71.

Haraway, Donna J. Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium.FemaleMan©©_Meets_OncoMouseTM : Feminism and Technoscience. New York: Routledge, 1997.

Harpold, Terry. "Grotesque Corpus." Perforations 2.3: After the Book: Writing Literature/Writing Technology, 1996.

Harpold, Terence. "The Contingencies of the Hypertext Link." Writing on the Edge 2 (1991): 126-38.

Harpold, Terence. " Conclusions." Hyper/Text/Theory. ed. George P. Landow, Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, 1995.

Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti. An Accidental Autobiography. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1996.

Haug, Kate. "Femme Experimentale Interviews with Carolee Schneemann, Barbara Hammer, and Chick Strand." Wide Angle 20.1 (1998): 1-19.

Hawthorne, Susan. "Topographies of Creativity: Writing and Publishing." TEXT 1.2 (1997).

Hawthorne, Susan, and Renate Klein. Cyberfeminism: Connectivity, Critique and Connectivity. Melbourne: Spinifex, 1999.

Hayles, N. Katherine. "The Materiality of Informatics." Configurations 1.1 (1993): 147-170.

Hayles, N. Kathryn. "Virtual Bodies and Flickering Signifiers." Electronic Culture: Technology and Visual Representation. Ed. Timothy Drukrey. New York: Aperture, 1996.

Hayles, N. Katherine. "Corporeal Anxiety in Dictionary of the Khazars: What Books Talk about in the Late Age of Print When They Talk about Losing Their Bodies." Modern Fiction Studies 43.3 (1997): 800-820.

Heuving, Jeanne. "The Pink Guitar: Writing as Feminist Practice." Contemporary Literature 37.2 (1996): 315(18).

Hine, Tomas. "Realizing that ''everything connects,' Charles and Ray Eames pioneered a new kind of design practice that's still fresh today" Architectural-Record. v. 187 no10 Oct. 1999 p. 43-4., 1999

Hite, Molly. The other side of the story : structures and strategies of contemporary feminist narrative. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1989.

Hogan, Rebecca. "Engendered Autobiographies: The Diary as a Feminine Form." Autobiography and Questions of Gender. Ed. Shirley Neuman. London: Frank Cass & Co., 1991.

Holtzman, Steven R. Digital Mantras: The Languages of Abstract and Virtual Worlds. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995.

Huhtamo, Erkki. "From Kaleidoscomaniac to Cybernerd: Notes Toward an Archeology of Media." Electronic Culture: Technology and Visual Representation. Ed. Timothy Druckrey. New York: Aperture, 1996.

Hynes, Patricia, ed. Reconstructing Babylon: Essays on Women and Technology. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.

Irigaray, Luce. This Sex Which is not One. Trans. Catherine Porter, Carolyn Burke. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985/1977.

Irigaray, Luce. "Women-Mothers, the Silent Substratum of the Social Order." The Irigaray Reader. Ed. Margaret Whitford. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991. 47-52.

Jackson, Shelley. 'my body': A Wunderkammer. Available: http://www.altx.com/thebody/, 1998.

Jackson, Shelley. Patchwork Girl, Or a Modern Monster by Mary/Shelley and Herself. Watertown, MA: Eastgate Systems, 1995.

Jefferies, Janis. "Autobiographical Patterns." N.Paradoxa .4 (1997).

Jenik, Adriene (USA). Mauve Desert. Los Angeles: Shifting Horizon Productions, 1997.

Johnson-Eilola, Johndan. Nostalgic Angels: Rearticulating Hypertext Writing. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing, 1997.

Johnson-Eilola, Johndan. "Reading and Writing in Hypertext: Vertigo and Euphoria." Selfe and Hilligoss, Literacy and Computers 195-219.

Jones, Amelia. "Faith Wilding and the Enfleshing of Painting." N.Paradoxa .10 (1999).

Joyce, Michael. Of Two Minds: Hypertext Pedagogy and Poetics. Ann Arbor: Universityof Michigan Press, 1995.

Joyce, Michael. "Notes Toward an Unwritten Non-Linear Electronic Text, "The Ends of Print Culture" (a work in progress)." Postmodern Culture 2.1 (1991).

Joyce, Michael. afternoon: a story. Watertown, MA: Eastgate Systems, 1987, 1990.

Kakutani, Michiko. "Fiction? Nonfiction? And Why Doesn't Anybody Care?" New York Times 27 July 1993: B1, B8.

Kaplan, Nancy (USA). E-Literacies: Politexts, Hypertexts, and Other Cultural Formations in the Late Age of Print, Available: http://raven.ubalt.edu/staff/kaplan/lit/One_Beginning_417.html, 1994.

Keep, Christopher & McLaughlin, Tim & robin (1995). The Electronic Labyrinth, http://web.uvic.ca/~ckeep/elab.html

Keiley, Lizbeth Ann. "Desert of the Child." . University-of-cincinnati, 1993.

Kendall, Robert. "Introduction to a Life Set for Two." Eastgate Quarterly review of Hypertext 2.4 (1996).

Kendall, Robert (1996). Words and Mirrors. Eastgate: http://www.eastgate.com/hypertext/kendall/Mirrors.html.

Kerr, Heather. Notes for an Impossible Electronic Writing. Part of Lux: Notes for an Electronic Writing. Available: http://ensemble.va.com.au/lux/impossible_1.html 1999.

King, Katie. Theory in its feminist Travels Conversations in US Women's Movements. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994.

King, Katie. "Feminism and Writing Technologies: Teaching Queerish Travels through Maps, Territories, and Pattern." Configurations 2.1 (1994): 89-106.

Kirkham, Pat. "The Personal, the Professional and the Partner(ship): the Husband/wife Collaboration of Charles and Ray Eames." Feminist Cultural Theory: Process and Production. Ed. Beverley Skeggs. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995. 207-226.

Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. ""Through Light and the Alphabet:" An Interview with Johanna Drucker." Postmodern Culture 7.3 (1997).

Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. "Machine Visions: Towards a Poetics of Artificial Intelligence." Electronic Book Review 6 (1998).

Kittler, Freidrich. Discourse Networks 1800/1900. Trans. Michael Metteer. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1990.

Klein, Renate. "The politics of Cyberfeminism: if a cyborg rather than a goddess, will patriarchy go away?" Cyberfeminism: Connectivity, Critique and Connectivity. Eds. Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein. Melbourne: Spinifex, 1999. 185-212.

Kolb, David. Socrates in the Labyrinth. Eastgate Systems: Cambridge, 1995.

Kolko, Beth. "Teaching Lives: Hypertext, Exploration, Possibilities (panel: Hypertext Theory in Practice: An Interactive/Electronic Exploration of the Rhetoric, Poetics, and Pragmatics of Hypertext )." Kairos 2.2 (1997).

Koltuv, Barbara Black. Weaving Woman: Essays in Feminine Psychology from the Notebooks of a Jungian Analyst. York Beach, Maine: Nicholas-Hays, 1990.

Krasniewicz, Louise, and Michael Blitz. "Why we did not produce 'Dreaming Arnold Schwarzenegger' as book, several articles, an encyclopedia, a video, and annotated bibliography, and a museum installation.(or did we?)." American Quarterly 51.2 (1999): 258(4).

Kristeva, Julia. "Word, Dialogue, and Novel." The Kristeva Reader. Ed. Toril Moi. New York: Columbia UP, 1986. 35-61.

Kroll, Zoey. Technically Speaking: An interview with Sadie Plant. 1999. website. Les Penelopes. Available: http://www.mire.net/penelopes/pages/ntic/1newmed.htm

Lamontagne, Valérie. " Interview with Alicia Felberbaum." CIAC's Electronic Art Magazine September 1999.

Landow, George P. Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Literary Theory and Technology. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.

Landow, George P. "What's a Critic to Do?" Hyper/Text/Theory. Ed. George P. Landow. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.

Landow, George P. Stiching Together Narrative, Sexuality, Self: Shelley Jackson's "Patchwork Girl". 1996. webpage. Brown University. Available: http://landow.stg.brown.edu/cpace/ht/pg/pgmain.html.

Landow, George P. Hypertext 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.

Lanham, Richard. The Electronic Word: Democracy, Technology, and the Arts. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.

Larsen, Deena. Marble Springs. Electronic text. Cambridge, MA: Eastgate Systems, 1993.

Larsen, Deena. Samplers: Nine Vicious Little Hypertexts. Watertown, MA: Eastgate Systems, 1997.

Lather, Patti. Getting Smart: Feminist Research and Pedagogy with/in the Postmodern, 1991.

Ley, Jennifer. "So You Thought You Understood Hypertext?" Riding the Meridian 1.2 (1999).

Ley, Jennifer. "On the Gold and Silver Ages and the Elements of Hypertext." PIF 32 (2000).

Lialina, Olia. My Boyfriend Came Back from the War. Available: http://www.design.ru/olialia/war/
Mairs, Nancy. Voice Lessons: On Becoming a (Woman) Writer. Boston: Beacon Press, 1994.

Malloy, Judy (USA). its name was Penelope. Watertown, MA: Eastgate Systems, 1993.

Malloy, Judy. Hypernarrative in the Age of the Web. 1998. website. National Endowment for the Arts (US). Available: http://www.arts.endow.gov/artforms/Lit/Malloy.html.

Malloy, Judy et al. My Name is Scibe, Available: http://www.artswire.org/Artswire/interactive/www/scibe/story.html

Malloy, Judy and Cathy Marshall. Forward Anywhere. Eastgate Systems: Cambridge MA, 1996*.

Mamo, Andrew. Wunderkammer: paintings and Drawings by Andrew Mamo. website. Newcastle University. Available: http://www.ccc.newcastle.edu.au/-test/wunder/wunder~1.htm.

Marcus, Laura. Auto/biographical Discourses: Theory/Criticism/Practice. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1994.

Martine. "Interdisciplinarity Transpositions: Bernard Tschumi's Architectural Theory." The Anxiety of Interdisciplinarity: de- dis- ex- Interdisciplinarity: Art architecture/theory. Vol. 2. London: Backless Books, 1998.

Maso, Carole. " Rupture, verge, and precipice: precipice, verge, and hurt not." The Review of Contemporary Fiction 16.1 (1996): 54(22).

Matrix, Sidney. ": Experiencing Lesbian:Theory, Lesbian:Writing--A Personalist Methodology." Critical Matrix 9.1 (1995): 67-73.

McDowell, Deborah. "The whole story: Review of "Mosquito"." Women's Review of Books XVI.6 (1999): 9-10.

McGann, Jerome J. A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism. 2nd ed. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1992.

McGann, Jerome. The Textual Condition. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991.

McGann, Gerome. Radiant Textuality. 1996. website. IATH. Available: http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/public/jjm2f/radiant.html.

McGovern, Catherine. The Girl with the Sword is Mute. Available: http://www.studioxx.org/mivaem/catherine/ftcl/ch1_0.html

Mechling, Kelly Anne. "Creative Dimensions in Autobiographies of Selected Twentieth-century American Women Writers." University of Pennsylvania, 1996.

Miall, David. " Trivializing or liberating? The limitations of hypertext theorizing." Mosaic 32.2 (1999): 157(1).

Miles, Adrian. "'Singin' in the Rain': A Hypertextual Reading"." Postmodern Culture. 8.3 (1998).

Miles, Adrian. "Cinematic paradigms for hypertext." Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 13.2 (1999): 217-226.

Milevska, Suzana. "Female Art through the Looking Glass." N.Paradoxa .7 (1998).

Miller, Jane. Seductions: Studies in Reading and Culture. London: Virago, 1990.

Miller, Jeff. "The Pixallated University: Weaving Knowledge (in)formation." TEXT Technology 6.3 (1996).

Miller, Laura, Sadie Plant, and Ellen Ulllman. "sexing the machine." Salon Sept. 11, 1997.

Minh-Ha, Trinh, T. When the Moon Waxes Red: Representation, Gender, and Cultural Politics. New York: Routledge, 1991.

Mirapaul, M. "No Clicking Allowed in Artist's Browser." New York Times on the web June 24 1999.

Miss.M. An Interview with Sadie Plant and Linda Dement at the occasion of Virtual Futures 96 Datableed. 1996. website. Zero News Datapoll. Available: http://www.t0.or.at/sadie/intervw.htm.

Mitchell, W. J. T. Picture Theory. Chicago:: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Mitchell, William J. City of Bits: Space, Place and the Infobahn. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995.

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Parts of this syllabus are indebted to or from the work of Gregory Ulmer, University of Florida,
Heather Zwicker, University of Alberta, George Landow, Brown University,
Steven Wilson, San Fransisco State University, Brian Goldfarb, University of Rochester
and Don Sincliar and Renate Wickens, York University.