Group Literature Presentation

You will be part of a discussion group (5 is an ideal number) that will prepare and present a 20-minute in-class presentation/performance during the tutorial hour based on your group's interpretation of one of the literary works assigned for this course.  The 20-minute time limit must include any discussion you hope to generate  - practise your presentation before you give it.

The presentation may be dramatic, artistic or whatever the group chooses.  Try to be interpretative, analytical and creative.  As a starting point, consider the story line, then ask how might you interpret it in relation to course concepts.  What do you find significant in the text?  How can you convey this in your presentation?  Group members must participate in both preparation and presentation.  Your goal is to prepare a presentation/performance following a cooperative group process.  (You will have some time in class for preparation but you should arrange to meet outside of class with your group.)

You will submit a one-page personal commentary on your presentation in the following tutorial.  The summary should include your personal response to the literature and to your presentation.  You may also comment on the dynamics of the group process.   The commentary sheet will graded on a pass-fail basis and will be calculated as part of your overall participation grade.

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