Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

“Blur Space” by Jill Coffin, Harry Smoak @ Georgia Tech

This looks really beautiful — I’d love to interact with this project. I like the idea of stretching and scratching the fabric to warp the images. It kind of reminded me of the screen Caitlin showed us early in the term.

The following project text is excerpted from Georgia Tech’s School of Literature, Communication & Culture Graduate Degree Programs website: http://www.idt.gatech.edu/gallery/index.php

“Blur Space is an architectural space built from projected videos, sound and suspended panels of translucent fabric. The panels are composed of a fabric which both reflects projections and allows them to pass through. The changing light from the sudden movements of the wings of flying birds and the flash of bombs exploding creates a shifting, unstable architecture which viewers move through either physically or virtually through real time video.As soon as anyone enters the room which houses the Blur Space, their video image is projected into the space. There can be no wallflowers. Participants move through the layered architectural space, casting shadows and video projections of themselves which blur with the bomb and bird imagery.

Participants can stretch and scratch the fabric to warp images and create sounds which blend with the sounds of explosions and flapping wings projected throughout the space.People tried to catch the birds.”

Mon, February 13 2006 » Future Cinema, screen technologies
