Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

assignment reminder

I just received an email query from someone in the class about the screen assignment due tomorrow and i thought I’d post my reply in case it helped to clarify things for others. FYI, here is what is written in your syllabus:
“Produce a quick conceptual model of a screen for future cinema– this should take you no more than a couple of days to prepare. You can produce a page of writing, a sketch, or a model. (How) does the screen itself affect audience? Would it support different kinds of narratives/experiments? (in other words, what would this new screen enable?) Be prepared to discuss your work.”

here is what I said in my email, along the lines of what was discussed in class. This isn’t the only way to think about your screen, but it’s not a bad way to begin:

“this isn’t a research assignment — just close your eyes and IMAGINE — what’s the craziest, most beautiful screen you can think of? what would you invent that doesn’t exist? what’s the scariest screen you can think of? etc. propose a model of a screen … it’s fine if it already exists somewhere, but do challenge yourself to think beyond screens you already know and have, if possible. Now that you have the screen, what does it allow you to see and say?”

hope this helps + see you tomorrow!

Thu, January 11 2007 » Future Cinema, admin, screen technologies
