Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Week 6, ***October 11th Guest lecture: Jay Bolter, Georgia Tech – Cyberphobia and Remediation of Cinema

Please note that due to the availability of our guest speaker, this class will take place on TUESDAY.
Note: There will also be an opportunity for students to talk informally with Jay Bolter about his work, including work on augmented reality narratives on MONDAY afternoon, place TBA.

“New digital forms, particularly computer and video games pose a challenge to the cultural status that film has enjoyed for decades. This challenge provoked an anxiety about new media reflected in a series of films in the 1990s, including ExistenZ and The Matrix. Hollywood filmmakers have responded to the challenge with a two-fold strategy: they have adopted computer-graphic special effects, while maintaining a commitment to linear narrative and transparent representation. Recently, the DVD has led the film industry to explore hybrid forms of representation and even interactivity. “

Required: Jay Bolter Remediation (excerpt online)
View as many of the following films as possible: ExistenZ, Strange Days, The Matrix and AI: Artificial Intelligence.
Recommended: Jay Bolter and Richard Grusin Remediation: Understanding New Media, 1999.

Mon, September 5 2005 » augmented reality, games, syllabus, talks
