Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Some sound musings… or rather, musings on sound

Nothing revolutionary, but I was reflecting during the discussion on sound about the power of music to propel action. When running, I can go from almost no energy, barely able to keep a trot-like pace, to running at top speed for extended time if the right beat comes on, with the right swells of crescendo, etc.

I was thinking about this in relation to the Isbister text and how this ability of music to increase or reduce energy levels could be leveraged to impact the body’s movement, which Isbister clearly ties to heightened emotional response. I think it’s established that music can affect emotion, but it was interesting to consider it from the perspective of affecting movement, which further impacts emotion and connection.

I was also thinking about Noisli, an app I recently purchased which has changed my life. It allows you to layer and mix white noises like trickling water, thunderstorms, rain, crackling fire, wind, etc. It’s great for blocking out other distracting noises and allowing me to really hone in and focus (or, achieve flow) when writing, for example. How can using music and sound to isolate and increase focus help to improve an immersive experience?

Wed, October 11 2017 » Future Cinema

One Response

  1. mtrommer October 11 2017 @ 9:17 am

    Hey Kate – there’s a book by Barry Shank called ‘ The Political Force of Musical Beauty’ that broaches this…you might find it interesting.
