Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Jagoda – Network Aesthetics Questions

Hi All – here are some thoughts I had while reading.

1. The formation of gestalt aesthetics are mentioned frequently in the section that focused upon maximalist novels, in which nodes of the network do not see the whole picture, but act as process and information relays for the entirety. Jagoda later references Deleuze’s concept of “societies of control”, in which the totality of our environment is under a system enacting control, inseparable from the perceivably enclosed structures in our society (eg. school, work, prison, family, etc.). Deleuze describes this as a modulation of control between these structures rather than discrete molds of control present in each of these structures. Are there parallels that can be drawn between our lived experience in a networked society where access to information can be obscured and privileged to few as a “node”?

2. Are the features and considerations of maximal novels able to translate to a cinematic context without losing resolution of detail? Would long form media like serialized television be necessary to convey the same information?

3. Do non-linear/multilinear experiences like network games result in more compelling networked structures do to agency within the system? Does this agency afford better linkage to representational “histories of the present” even within fictitious narratives?

4. Jagoda poses a question from Arjun Appadurai: “How can we compare social objects in a world where most such objects whether nations, ideas, technologies, and economies seem deeply connected?”. Is a solution to this problem to compare the relative neighbours of object nodes rather than the connected objects themselves or would this loose resolution of context for the objects?

Wed, November 14 2018 » Future Cinema
