Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Is this ‘just gaming’?

“Virtual reality exposure therapy places you in a computer-generated world where you “experience” the various stimuli related to your phobia. You will wear a head- mounted display with small TV monitors and stereo earphones to receive both visual and auditory cues.”

Advantages of Virtual-Reality Exposure Therapy:

Costs considerably less than in vivo exposure (the use of real life situations for exposure therapy).
Total control of the “phobic” experience, without leaving the therapist’s office.
Segments of any phobia can be repeated, allowing the client to gradually reduce fear and anxiety.
Eliminates risks of potential physical harm.
Therapy is conducted in the therapist’s office, allowing for complete patient confidentiality and eliminating public embarrassment concerns.
People once resistant to traditional treatment may consider Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy.

VRMC Website: http://www.vrphobia.com/about.htm

Thu, October 20 2005 » Future Cinema, games, virtual reality
