Lesbians live in Dalewood, near our school.
Libby Watley says two of them live in a house
near her and do we want to throw ice balls at
the house? I'm not sure. Everyone throws ice
balls at the house. Eggs, too. Libby tells us all to
run fast, fast past that house and I do.

"What are lesbians?" I ask Libby.
"Girls who hold hands."
"But we hold hands."(I've done more than hold hands, but not with her).
Libby shakes her head, "No, not like that. They don't like boys and they're grown up." She tells the story.

The lesbians were holding hands in the park, well, right by the park, and Steven Brown's mother said if she ever saw them near that park again she'd call the police -- she would! And-come-away-Steven-you-too-Libby-Good-Lord.

I nod. I wonder where the lesbians will walk now since their house is so close to the park. While I wonder this, other people wonder out loud if the lesbians have a cat because that would be so sad for a cat ... to have to live with that. Plans are made to kidnap the cat. If there is one. I need to decide: am I the kind of person who will throw iceballs and steal someone's cat, or will I have iceballs thrown at me and have my cat stolen?