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Steps in Preparation:

. Everyone must participate in one presentation.
. Choose, obtain and read your novel.
. Find course readings related to themes of novel and read.
. Meet with your group. You will be given in-class time but will need to schedule meetings outside of class time to develop your presentation.
. Discuss themes of novel with your group.
. Decide on format of presentation - everyone in the group must play some role in the presentation. Feel free to be creative in the format you choose, including: acting out scenes from the novel; talk shows, mock trial; etc.
. Brainstorm with your group on specific ideas for presentation.
. Divide responsibility for writing/researching. You are not required to do outside research; nevertheless, some students have found it useful to find and read reviews of the novel.
. Draft and rehearse your presentation. It should be no longer than 30 minutes including any discussion that you may encourage as a result of the presentation.
. Prepare a short program of your presentation - one per group listing who is doing what and in what order.
. Write a 1-2 page summary of the group process - one per student, due one week after the presentation. Your summary should set out the objectives of the presentation as you saw them. Feel free to explain how dealing with the material may have led you to raise questions, confirmed or extended your understanding of the subject. You can also evaluate the division of labour, as well as your role in preparation. This summary will be graded on a pass/fail basis (you do it = you pass; you do not do it = your participation grade suffers).


. Your presentation will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: success in providing overview of novel; success in relating novel to themes of course; clarity; analysis; creativity.

. In the event of problems concerning the division of labour in your group or finding adequate preparation time, you should speak to a member of the teaching team so that we can try to resolve these difficulties speedily.

. All group members will receive the same grade unless: a) there is wide agreement in individual summaries that one member did not contribute/participate in group preparation; or b) a group member is absent on presentation day; or c) a group member fails to hand in the written summary.

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