% ### EXintegrate2.m ### 12.01.16 % Example to show how Riemann sums can be used to determine the area of a % circle. Particular attention is given to examining how a "rectangle" % compares to the area under the curves % Uses several different "methods": % Method A - Approximate the integral via brute force LEFT and RIGHT Riemann sums % Method B - Visualize the Riemann sums for different # of points for % different methods (Fig.2); also show rect. width re "area" to determine (Fig.1) % Method C - Estimates via Matlab's built-in functions % ----- % Notes % o considers just a quarter of a circle (in the upper right quadrant), the % rest of the argument stemming from symmetry % o provides an easy way to numerically estimate pi (e.g., if r=1, this % area should be pi/4) % o modified version of original source code: % http://ef.engr.utk.edu/ef230-2011-01/modules/matlab-integration/ % o For Method C, trapz.m requires user to specify # of intervals (Nt) % while quad.m (which uses "adaptive Simpson quadrature") automatically % assumes a default error tolerance (i.e., user does not need to specify # % of points) % o In some places below, different syntaxes were used to demonstrate % different ways of achieving the same result {e.g., disp([ + num2str vs disp(sprintf } clear; % ---------------------- % User parameters r= 1; % radius of circle N= 100; % Method A - # of "rectangles" for LEFT and RIGHT pts= [3 4 5 6 10 25]; % Method B - # of points to consider integrating (via trapz function) dur= 1; % Method B - pause duration [s] for visualization loop (Fig.2) rectW= 0.01; % Method B - width for Riemann sum rect. (Fig.1) {0.1} (kludge: should be less than ~0.2) Nt= 100; % Method C - # of points for trapz precV= 10; % # of vals. past decimal place for displaying built-in function results {10} % ---------------------- % *************** % set up the relevant pieces F = @(x)sqrt(r^2-x.^2); % eqn. for (quarter) circle xL= [0 r]; % integration limits % *************** % Method A % Approximate the integral via brute force LEFT and RIGHT Riemann sums sumL= 0; sumR=0; delX= (xL(2)-xL(1))/N; % step-size x= linspace(xL(1),xL(2),N+1); % add one since N is # of 'boxes' and is really N-1 for nn=1:N sumL= sumL + F(x(nn))*delX; sumR= sumR + F(x(nn+1))*delX; end disp(['Meth. A used ',num2str(N),' steps']); disp(['Meth. A - area LEFT rule= ',num2str(sumL,precV),' (pi est. =',num2str(4*sumL/r^2,precV),')']); disp(sprintf('Meth. A - area RIGHT rule= %g (pi est. = %g)', sumR,4*sumR/r^2)); % MID is simply 1/2*(LEFT+RIGHT) midV= 0.5*(sumL+sumR); disp(['Meth. A - area MID= ',num2str(midV),' (pi est. =',num2str(4*midV/r^2,precV),')']); % *************** % Method B % Visualize the Riemann sums for different # of points for different methods % ------- % Fig.1 - Show the curve and some rect. Riemann sums figure(1); clf; hold on; grid on; fplot(F,[xL(1),xL(2)]) % a quick way to plot a function via functional definition set(findobj(gca, 'Type', 'Line', 'Linestyle', '-'), 'LineWidth', 2,'Color',[0 0 0]); xlabel('x'); ylabel('F(x)'); % --- pos= [0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8]; % centers for the three different Riemann sums % LEFT [centered about pos(1)] px=[pos(1) pos(1)+rectW pos(1)+rectW pos(1)]; py=[0 0 F(pos(1)) F(pos(1))]; b1= fill(px,py,5,'FaceAlpha',0.5); % RIGHT [centered about pos(2)] px=[pos(2) pos(2)+rectW pos(2)+rectW pos(2)]; py=[0 0 F(pos(2)+rectW) F(pos(2)+rectW)]; b2= fill(px,py,3,'FaceAlpha',0.5); % MID [centered about pos(3)] px=[pos(3) pos(3)+rectW pos(3)+rectW pos(3)]; py=[0 0 F(pos(3)+rectW/2) F(pos(3)+rectW/2)]; b3= fill(px,py,1,'FaceAlpha',0.5); % TRAP [centered about pos(4)] px=[pos(4) pos(4)+rectW pos(4)+rectW pos(4)]; py=[0 0 F(pos(4)+rectW) F(pos(4))]; b4= fill(px,py,7,'FaceAlpha',0.5); % --- legend([b1 b2 b3 b4],'LEFT','RIGHT','MID','TRAP'); title('Comparison of different ways to compute Riemann sums'); % ------- % Fig.2 - animated version for the different methods for np=pts figure(2); clf % clear the current figure hold on % allow stuff to be added to this plot x = linspace(xL(1),xL(2),np); % generate x values y = F(x); % generate y values a2 = trapz(x,y); % use trapz to integrate % Generate and display the trapezoids used by trapz for ii=1:length(x)-1 % --- (rectangles: LEFT) subplot(221); hold on; grid on; title('Left-hand rule'); px=[x(ii) x(ii+1) x(ii+1) x(ii)]; py=[0 0 y(ii) y(ii)]; fill(px,py,ii) fplot(F,[xL(1),xL(2)]); xlabel('x'); ylabel('F(x)'); % --- (rectangles: RIGHT) subplot(222); hold on; grid on; title('Rightt-hand rule'); px=[x(ii) x(ii+1) x(ii+1) x(ii)]; py=[0 0 y(ii+1) y(ii+1)]; fill(px,py,ii) fplot(F,[xL(1),xL(2)]); xlabel('x'); ylabel('F(x)'); % --- (rectangles: MID) subplot(223); hold on; grid on; title('Mid-point rule'); tempX= (x(ii+1)+x(ii))/2; tempY= F(tempX); px=[x(ii) x(ii+1) x(ii+1) x(ii)]; py=[0 0 tempY tempY]; fill(px,py,ii) fplot(F,[xL(1),xL(2)]); xlabel('x'); ylabel('F(x)'); % --- (trapezoids) subplot(224); hold on; grid on; title('Trapezoid rule'); px=[x(ii) x(ii+1) x(ii+1) x(ii)]; py=[0 0 y(ii+1) y(ii)]; fill(px,py,ii) fplot(F,[xL(1),xL(2)]); xlabel('x'); ylabel('F(x)'); end %fplot(F,[xL(1),xL(2)]); xlabel('x'); ylabel('F(x)'); %disp(['area calculated by trapz.m for ',num2str(np),' points =',num2str(a2)]); %title(['area calculated by trapz.m for ',num2str(np),' points =',num2str(a2)]); pause(dur); % wait a bit end % *************** % Method C % Display estimates via Matlab's built-in functions % --- % quad a1 = quad(F,xL(1),xL(2)); % use quad to integrate (default # of points) disp(['Meth. C - area via quad.m= ' num2str(a1,precV),' (pi est. =',num2str(4*a1/r^2,precV),')']); % --- % trapz xT = linspace(xL(1),xL(2),Nt); % generate x values a2 = trapz(xT,F(xT)); % use trapz to integrate (default # of points) disp(['Meth. C - area via trapz.m= ' num2str(a2,precV),' (pi est. =',num2str(4*a2/r^2,precV),')']);