Teaching Assistant: Alexandra Rutherford
Required Texts:
Robinson, D. N. (1995). An intellectual history of psychology (3rd ed.). Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Fancher, R. E. (1996). Pioneers of psychology (3rd ed.). New York: Norton
Schedule of Classes:
Sept. 9 Introduction
Sept. 16 Ancient World; Robinson, ch. 2-3
Sept. 23 Medieval World; Robinson, ch. 4-5
Sept. 30 Renaissance & Empiricism; Robinson, ch. 6-7
Oct. 7 Rationalism & Materialism; Robinson, ch. 8-9
Oct. 21 Physiology & Perception; Fancher, ch. 3-4
Oct. 28 Experimental Psychology; Fancher, ch. 5
Nov. 4 Evolution & Measurement; Fancher, ch. 6-7
Nov. 11 James & Behaviorism Fancher; ch. 8-9
Nov. 18 Hypnotism & Psychoanalysis Fancher; ch. 10-11
Nov. 25 Development & Cognition Fancher; ch. 12-13
Midterm Test (short answers) 30%
Final Exam (short answers) 40%
Term paper (2500 words) 30%
The term paper is due on December 2, 1997 in class. No late papers will be accepted unless prior approval is granted by the instructor. It is up to the student to develop the topic of the paper, but it is strongly recommended that s/he discuss the topic with the instructor well in advance of actually writing the paper.