The Labour Education and
Training Research Network

Le Réseau de recherche en 
formation et travail 

Vocational training and union action:
talking in terms of stakes rather than dilemmas

Christian Payeur, Centrale de l’enseignement du Québec and
Centre de recherche et d'intervention sur la réussite scolaire

When it comes to describing union action about vocational training, I find it clearly preferable to talk about training from a “stakes” point of view rather than as dilemma.  My experience working at the CEQ (Centrale de l’enseignement du Québec) has convinced me that the evolution of training as well as the practices and policies concerning it are far from inevitable.  Talking about training as a dilemma confines us to inaction. In fact, the mere idea of a dilemma suggests that there exists an inherent and insurmountable contradiction in which any action would lead us to an ambush.  I am of the opinion that the emergence of training in the great social and union debates of recent years is, above all, developing social relationships related to this question.  Thus, in order to support action, it becomes necessary to consider the question of training in a dynamic fashion.  In describing training in terms of stakes, we seek to outline existing interests and define alternative solutions which take this reality into account.

I have been asked to describe the action of the CEQ with respect to vocational training.  I believe that such a description will allow us to illustrate the advantage of perceiving training in terms of stakes within a social network.