The Labour Education and Training Research Network 

Le Réseau de recherche en formation et travail 
Training Matters: 
The Labour Education and 
Training Research Network
The Labour Education and Training Research Network is one of five Strategic Research Networks in Education and Training, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC). 

In the past fifteen years, vocational and professional training have increasingly come to be seen as a panacea for the social dislocations arising out of the profound restructuring of the Canadian world of work. Fifteen years into our Third Industrial Revolution however, and on the eve of the transfer of training to the provinces, it has become increasingly difficult to discern the outlines of a national training policy, or even a national training vision. More troubling still, we are unsure how well our approach to training will respond to the high, long-term, unemployment and underemployment as well as the spread of precarious employment which we now understand to be the defining features of the new work order. More than ever, the question of "training for what?" is posed with the insistence and poignancy. A training vision  may not guarantee the future, but the absence of it will certainly mortgage the future.  

Our project, Training Matters: The Labour Education and Training Research Network, is an attempt to bridge the two traditional solitudes in the world of training: between training practitioners and training academies, and between French and English language research. We have brought together academics from 14 universities and 5 community colleges, and practitioners from 20 organisations. Within Canada, our members are from British Columbia, Quebec, Ontario, the Yukon, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. We have also joined with researchers in Europe and Australia, and have made arrangements to have our research published in their countries. 


site design: James Beaton, Webdesigner. Updated December, 1999.