The Labour Education and 
Training Research Network

Le Réseau de recherche en 
formation et travail

Guidelines for Training Matters Working Papers

1. Formatting -- please do and please don't...

Word processing and spreadsheet software: we have Wordperfect 8, MS Word 97, Quattro Pro 8 and MS Excel 97. Please ask the Network Coordinator about other programs you might wish to use. We also have the capacity to convert most Macintosh versions of these programs: however, please save your document to a version you are sure we can import into the available programs.

Page size: standard 8.5 by 11 paper

Margins: left and right 1.25 inches

Line spacing: single spaced, paragraph separations double spaced

Font: Times New Roman, 12

Pagination: bottom centre

End/footnotes: please use endnotes rather than footnotes, placed at the end of the body of the paper and preceding the bibliography and appendices. The sociological reference style is acceptable provided a complete bibliography is included.

Tables and graphs: tables, graphs and other figures may be included in the body of the paper; they may also be included as appendices. If they are to be included in the text, please embed them as an integral part of the document, i.e., do not 'link' them to another file. Factors like size may influence your placement. Due to variations in printers and typesetting requirements, their location in the text may change. The larger the table, the harder it is to retain in the same place. Instead of 'links' you may append tables; appendices may be sent as separate files.

General: except for standard layout options, please use as little additional formatting as possible. Please, do NOT use headers or footers.

2. Content

Please indicate the exact title and the affiliation you would like to appear on the cover page. Please be happy with the paper you submit: editing will mostly be limited to line editing.

Your working paper should include one of the following:

Summaries should not be more than 500 words and should indicate: