WTO and NAFTA Papers and Reports
Deadlock in the Doha Round: The Long Slow Decline of Trade Multilateralism(338K)
by Daniel Drache and Marc D. Froese
Omens and Threats in the Doha Round (The Decline of Multilateralism?) (192K)
by Daniel Drache and Marc D. Froese
The Global Cultural Commons after Cancun: Identity, Diversity and Citizenship (344K)
by Daniel Drache and Marc D. Froese
Rethinking the Very Essence of Social Inclusion and Things Private (264K)
by Daniel Drache

The Great Global Poverty Debate:
Balancing Private Interests and the Public Good at the WTO
by Daniel Drache and Marc Froese

The Imperative of the Social Bond After the Triumph of Markets (80K)
by Daniel Drache

Poverty Eradication, Economic Integration and Citizenship:
Modeling Social Inclusion After the Quebec Summit
by Daniel Drache

The Short But Amazingly Significant Life of the ITO
Free Trade and Full Employment: Friends or Foes Forever?
by Daniel Drache

One World, One System? The Diversity Deficits in Standard-Setting, Development and Sovereignty at the WTO: A Report Card on Trade and the Social Deficit (93K)
by Daniel Drache, Marc Froese, Mark Fuller, Nirmala Singh

The First Seven Years of the WTO and Canada's Role at Centre Stage:
A Report Card on Trade and the Social Deficit
by Daniel Drache and Nirmala Singh

WTO Dispute Settlement Report Card (197K)
by Daniel Drache, Amy Arnott, and Yunxiang Guan

An Analysis of WTO Rulings With Respect to Labour Standards and Health (159K)
by Daniel Drache, Yunxiang Guan, Amy Arnott, and Kyle Grayson
Jobs and Investment Strategies: The Challenge for Policy Makers (258K)
by Daniel Drache  
The Post-Washington Consensus:
The Market Disconnect and the Public Re-connect
by Daniel Drache 

Globalization: Is There Anything to Fear? (123K)
by Daniel Drache