

Warrior Mothers: Lessons and Possibilities

Journal for a Just and Caring Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1998

Educational institutions can become sites of coalition work where "warrior mothers" work together against androcentric agendas of homogenization and acculturation. This work occurs in and around parenting, as First Nations women and their student(s) adapt to and insist on changes to existing institutions. The history of aboriginal women in Canada, whose children were taken away and raised in religious schools, is one of cultural denigration. The daughters and granddaughters of these students are now the warrior mothers who demand respectful education while persisting in maintaining, rebuilding, and developing vibrant contemporary First Nations lives and cultures. The lessons that nonnative women can learn from these warriors who have been my teachers are sources of hope for a just and caring education.

Celia Haig-Brown ~ Last updated: 03-Feb-2005