Laurence Harris
List of pubs using Medline
Profile in Google Scholar
- 2024
- Jörges B, McManus M, Bury N, McManus M, Bansal A, Allison R, Jenkin M, Harris LR. (2024) The Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Microgravity and Body Orientation Relative to Gravity on Perceived Traveled Distance. NPJ Microgravity 10:28
- Jörges, Björn, Ambika Bansal, and Laurence R. Harris. Precision and Temporal Dynamics in Heading Perception Assessed by Continuous Psychophysics. PLOS ONE 19, no. 10 (October 11, 2024): e0311992. (A pre-registered study)
- Jörges, Björn, Nils Bury, Meaghan McManus, Ambika Bansal, Robert S. Allison, Michael Jenkin, and Laurence R. Harris. (2024) The Impact of Gravity on Perceived Object Height. Npj Microgravity 10, no. 1 (October 4, 2024): 1-9.
- 2023
- Bansal A, Mikal G, Surya S, Harris LR, Jenkin M, (2023) On Performing Vestibular Damage Assessment and Therapy Using Virtual Reality: Lessons Learned," 2023 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (GEM), Bridgetown, Barbados, 2023, pp. 1-6.
- Gray HG, Tchao D, Lewis-Fung S, Pardini S, Harris LR, Appel L (2023) Virtual Reality Therapy for People with Epilepsy and Related Anxiety: Protocol for a 3-Phase Pilot Clinical Trial Journal of Medical Internet Research. Research Protocol 2023;12:e41523
- Danielle Tchao; Samantha Lewis-Fung; Hannah Gray; Susanna Pardini; Laurence R. Harris; Lora Appel (2023) Describing Epilepsy-Related Anxiety to Inform the Design of a Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy: Results from Phase 1 of the AnxEpiVR Clinical Trial. Epilepsy & Behavior Reports 21: 100588
- Bury NA, Jenkin M, Allison RS, Herpers R, Harris LR Vection underwater illustrates the limitations of neutral buoyancy as a microgravity analog. Nature Microgravity 9, 42 (2023).
- Lewis-Fung S; Tchao D; Gray H; Nguyen E; Pardini S; Harris LR; Calabia D; Appel L. Designing Virtual Reality Exposure Scenarios to Treat Anxiety in People with Epilepsy: Phase 2 of the AnxEpiVR Clinical Trial. Frontiers in Virtual Reality. 4 (2023) Special issue. Virtual Reality in Industry: Spotlight on Women.
- Jörges B, Harris LR. (2023) Aubert-Fleischl Phenomenon Biases Perceived Speed Only in Extremely Sparse Visual Scenes. Preregistration.
- Kamila Kolpashnikova, Laurence R. Harris, Shital Desai (2023). Fear of falling: Scoping review and topic analysis using natural language processing. PLOS ONE.18(10): e0293554.Open access.
- 2022
- Kim J, McManus M, Harris LR. (2022) Body Orientation Affects the Perceived Size of Objects. Perception 51(1) 25-36. DOI: 10.1177/03010066211065673
- Gabriel GA, Harris LR, Gnanasegaram J, Cushing S, Gordon K, Haycock B, Pichora-Fuller MK, Campos JL. (2022) Vestibular Perceptual Thresholds in Older Adults with and without Age-Related Hearing Loss. Ear and Hearing 43 (2) 420-435. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001118.
- Gabriel GA, Harris LR, Gnanasegaram J, Cushing S, Gordon K, Haycock B, Campos JL. (2022) Age-Related Changes to Vestibular Heave and Pitch Perception and Associations with Postural Control. Scientific Reports 12: 6426
- Gabriel GA, Harris LR, Henriques DYP, Pandi M, Campos JL (2022) Multisensory visual-vestibular training improves visual heading estimation in younger and older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 14:816512.
- 2021
- McManus M, Harris LR (2021) When gravity is not where it should be: How perceived orientation affects visual self-motion processing PLoS ONE 16(1): e0243381
- 2020
- Uhlmann L, Pazen M, van Kemenade BM, Steinsträter O, Harris LR, Kircher T, Straube B. (2020) Seeing your own or someone else's hand moving in accordance with your action: The neural interaction of agency and hand identity. Human Brain Mapping 41: 2474-2489
- Gibson M, McManus M, Kim J-J, Harris LR. (2020) The effect of training on the perceived approach angle in visual vertical heading judgements in a virtual environment. Experimental Brain Research 238: 1861-1869 doi: 10.1007/s00221-020-05841-8
- Bury N, Jenkin M, Allison RS, Harris LR. (2020) Perceiving jittering self-motion in a field of lollipops from ages 4 to 95. PloS ONE 15(10): e0241087.
- 2019
- Toth A, Harris LR, Bent LR (2019) Visual feedback is not necessary for recalibrating the vestibular contribution to the dynamic phase of a perturbation recovery response Experimental Brain Research 237: 2185-2196
- Mansfield A, Taati B, Danells CJ, Fraser LE, Harris LR, Campos JL (2019) Postural orientation with conflicting visual and graviceptive cues to 'upright' among individuals with and without a history of post-stroke 'pushing. Neurologie & Rehabilitation 25: S26-32
- 2018
- 2017
- Ferré ER, Harris LR (2017) Vestibular Cognition. In: Vestibular Cognition. Ferré ER, Harris LR (eds) Brill Academic Publishers, Amsterdam. pp.1-4.
- Hoover. AEN, Harris LR (2017) Disrupting vestibular activity disrupts body ownership. In: Vestibular Cognition. Ferré ER, Harris LR (eds) Brill Academic Publishers, Amsterdam. pp. 189-198.
- Arikan BE, van Kemenade BM, Straube B, Harris LR, Kircher T (2017) Active and passive movements widen the window of subjective simultaneity i-Perception 8 (4) 1-20
- 2016
- 2015
- Harris LR, Carnevale MJ, D'Amour S, Fraser LE, Harrar V, Hoover AEN, Mander C, Pritchett LM (2015) How our body influences our perception of the world Frontiers in Psychology 6: 819.
- Jaekl P, Seidlitz J, Harris LR, Tadin D (2015) "Audiovisual delay as a novel cue to visual distance" PLoS One 10(10):e0141125
- 2014
- Harris LR, Herpers R, Hofhammer T, Jenkin M (2014) How much gravity is needed to establish the perceptual upright? PLoS One 9 (9): e106207
- 2013
- Barnett-Cowan M, Jenkin HL, Jenkin MR, Harris LR. (2013) Asymmetical representation of body orientation Journal of Vision 13(2): 3
- 2012
- Hoover AEN, Harris LR, Steeves JKE (2012) Sensory compensation in sound localization in people with one eye Experimental Brain
- Harris LR, Herpers R, Jenkin M, Allison R, Jenkin H, Kapralos B, Scherfgen D, Felsner S. (2012) The relative contributions of radial and laminar optic flow to the perception of linear self-motion Journal of Vision, 12(10):7, 1-10
- 2011
- Jenkin MR, Dyde RT, Jenkin HL, Zacher JE, Harris LR. (2011) Perceptual upright: the relative effectiveness of dynamic and static images under different gravity states Seeing and Perceiving. 24: 53-64
- Harris LR, Jenkin M (2011) eds "Vision in 3d environments" Cambridge University Press
- 2010
- Barnett-Cowan M, Dyde RT, Fox SH, Moro E, Hutchison WD, Harris LR (2010) �Multisensory determinants of orientation perception in Parkinson�s disease� Neuroscience 167: 1138-1150
- Haji-Khamneh B, Harris LR (2010) �How different types of scenes affect the subjective visual vertical and the perceptual upright� Vision Research 50:1720-7
- Harris L R, Harrar V, Jaekl P, Kopinska A (2010) Mechanisms of simultaneity constancy. In: Nijhawan R (ed) Space and time in perception and action. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK pp 232-253
- ditor in chief Larry R. Squire
- Haji-Khamneh B, Harris LR (2009)�The timing of the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic cues on the perceptual upright� Vision Research 49: 2121-2130
- Barnett-Cowan M, Harris LR (2009) �Perceived timing of vestibular stimulation relative to touch, light and sound� Experimental Brain Research 198 (2-3) 221-231
- Trainor LJ, Gao X, Lei J-J, Lehtovaara K, Harris LR (2009) �The primal role of the vestibular system in determining
- Dyde RT, Harris LR (2008) �The influence of retinal and extra-retinal motion cues on perceived
- Barnett-Cowan M, Harris LR (2008) �Perceived self-orientation in allocentric and egocentric space: effects of visual and physical tilt from saccadic and tactile measures� Brain Research. 1242: 231-243
- Harrar V, Harris LR (2007) �Multimodal ternus: visual, tactile and visuo-tactile grouping in apparent motion� Perception 36: 1455-1464
- Jaekl P, Zikovitz DC, Jenkin MR, Jenkin HL, Zacher JE, Harris LR (2005) Gravity and perceptual stability during translational head movement on earth and in microgravity Acta Astronautica 56: 1033-1040
- Jenkin HL, Dyde RT, Zacher JT, Zikovitz DC, Jenkin MR, Allison RS, Howard IP, Harris LR (2005) The relative role of visual and non-visual cues in determining the perceived direction of up: experiments in parabolic flight. Acta Astronautica 56: 1025-1032
- Jenkin HL, Jenkin MR, Dyde RT, Harris LR (2004) Shape-from-shading depends on both shading and perceived orientation. Perception 33: 1453-1461
- Kopinska A, Harris LR (2003) Spatial representation in body coordinates: evidence from errors in remembering positions of visual and auditory targets after active eye, head, and body movements. Can J Exp Psychol. 57 (1):23-37.
- Jenkin HL, Dyde RT, Jenkin MR, Howard IP, Harris LR (2003) Relative role of visual and non-visual cues in judging the direction of 'Up': Experiments in the york tilted room facility Journal of Vestibular Research 13: 287-293
- Harris LR, Jenkin M, Zikovitz D, Redlick F, Jaekl P, Jasiobedzka U, Jenkin H, Allison R (2002) Simulating self motion I: cues for the perception of motion Virtual Reality 6: 75-85
- Allison R, Harris LR, Hogue A, Jasiobedzka U, Jenkin H, Jenkin M, Jaekl P, Laurence J, Pentile G, Redlick F, Zacher J, Zikovitz D. (2002) Simulating self motion II: A virtual reality tricycle Virtual Reality 6: 86-95
- Harris LR, Beykirch K, Fetter M (2001) Visual consequences of deviations in the orientation of the axis of rotation of the human vestibulo-ocular reflex. Vision Research 41: 3271-3281.
- Wall C, Assad A, Aharon G, Dimitri, PS, Harris LR (2001) The human oculomotor response to simultaneous visual and physical movements at two different frequencies. Journal of Vestibular Research 11: 81-89
- Harris LR, Jenkin M. (2001) Vision and Attention. In: Vision and Attention. Jenkin M, Harris LR (eds) Springer, NY.
- Zikovitz DC, Harris LR (2000) Effects of gravito-inertial-force and vision on head tilt during driving. In: Vision in Vehicles VII. Gale, A (ed) Elsevier North-Holland pp 281-288
- Harris LR, Jenkin M, Zikovitz DC (2000 ) Visual and Non-visual Cues in the Perception of Linear Acceleration Exp. Brain Res. 135:12-21
- Harris, LR, Jenkin, M, Zikovitz, DC (1998) Vestibular cues and virtual environments, IEEE VRAIS'98, 133-138 PDF file
- Harris LR (1998) The Mars/Sun collision illusion: motion is not visualizable in two different reference frames simultaneously. Commentary on Margolis on Cognitive-Illusion. PSYCOLOQUY volume.9/psyc.98.9.33
- Harris LR and Jenkin M. (1998) Eds Vision and Action. Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-63162-9 360 pages
- Harris LR, Zikovitz DC, Kopinska, A (1998) Frames of reference with examples from driving and auditory localization In: Vision and Action. Harris LR, Jenkin M (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. pp 66-81
- Harris LR, Jenkin M. (1998) Vision and action. In: Vision and Action. Harris LR, Jenkin M (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. pp 1-12
- Kopinska A, Harris LR (1998) Mapping auditory onto visual space: the effect of eye and head position. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 39: 5062
- Zikovitz, D, Harris LR, Jenkin M, Kreichman D (1998) Vestibular dominance in estimating the distance of self motion: misaligned optic flow and vestibular cues. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 39: 5063
- Harris LR and Smith AT (1998) Direction-specific modification of first-order-motion-evoked optokinetic eye movement by second-order motion ECVP (Oxford) Perception 27: 3b
- Assad A, Wall III C, Harris LR, Aharon G. (1997) Non-linear Otolith-Visual Interactions During Z-axis Linear Movement in Humans Revealed by the Oculomotor Response to Different Frequencies Presented Simultaneously to the Two Systems. Association for Research in Otolaryngology ARO Abstracts (ISSN 0742-3152) #514 Session T1 Poster
- Harris LR, Smith AT (1997) Second-order motion can attenuate optokinetic nystagmus to first-order movement. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38: 3045
- Harris LR, Kopinska A, Lieberman, A (1997) Auditory localization during eye and head movement. Neuroscience Abstracts 23: 276.11
- Harris LR, Lott LA (1996) Sensitivity to full-field visual movement compatible with head rotation: variation with eye-in-head position. Visual Neurosciences 13: 277-282
- Harris LR, Lieberman L. (1996) Auditory stimulus detection is not suppressed during saccadic eye movements. Perception 25: 999-1004
- Lathan CE, Wall C, Harris LR (1995) The response of the otolith-ocular system to z-axis linear acceleration and optokinetic stimulation in humans: The effect of stimuli phase relationships during sinusoidal movement. Experimental Brain Research 103: 256-266
- Harris LR, Lott LA (1995) Sensitivity to full-field visual movement compatible with head rotation: variations among axes of rotation. Visual Neurosciences 12: 743-754
- Harris LR, Lott LA (1994) Thresholds for full-field visual motion: variation with eye-in-head position. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35 2000
- Lott LA, Harris LR (1994) Vection in response to full-field visual rotation around different axes. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35 1274
- Harris LR, Mente P (1994) The oculomotor response to visual and vestibular stimulation around different axes. Neuroscience Abstracts 20 359.5
- Harris LR, Lewis TL, Maurer D (1993) Brainstem and cortical contributions to the generation of optokinetic eye movements in humans. Visual Neuroscience 10: 247-259
- Harris LR, Jenkin MJ (1993) Spatial Vision in Humans and Robots in Spatial Vision in Humans and Robots. Harris LR, Jenkin MJ (Eds) Cambridge University Press, New York. pp 1-7.
SELECTED PRE-1993 publications
- Harris LR, Smith AT (1992) Motion defined exclusively by second-order characteristics does not evoke optokinetic nystagmus. Visual Neuroscience 9: 565-570
- Harris LR, Smith AT (1991) Use of plaid patterns to distinguish the corticofugal and direct retinal inputs to the brainstem optokinetic nystagmus generator. Experimental Brain Research 86: 324-332
- Rauschecker JP, Harris LR (1989) Auditory and visual neurones in the cat's superior colliculus selective for the direction of apparent motion stimuli. Brain Research 490: 56-63
- Harris LR (1988) Vertical canal stimulation abolishes horizontal velocity storage: effects on optokinetic nystagmus and eye movements evoked by a rotating linear acceleration. Adv. Oto-Rhino-Laryng. 41: 34-37
- Harris LR (1987) The eye movements evoked by a rotating linear acceleration vector depend on a central velocity storage mechanism. Brain Research 437: 393-396
- Pinter RB, Harris LR (1981) Temporal and spatial response tuning characteristics of cat superior colliculus. Brain Research 207: 73-94
- Harris LR, Lepore F, Guillemont J-P, Cynader M (1980) Abolition of optokinetic nystagmus in the cat. Science 210: 91-92
- Harris LR, Blakemore C, Donaghy MJ (1980) Integration of visual and auditory space in the mammalian superior colliculus. Nature 288: 56-59
- Harris LR (1978) Contrast sensitivity and acuity of a conscious cat measured by the occipital evoked potential. Vision Research 18: 175-178
- Barlow HB, Derrington AM, Harris LR, Lennie P (1977) The effects of remote visual stimulation on the responses of cat retinal ganglion cells. J Physiol. (London) 269: 177-194
- Harris LR, Atkinson J, Braddick OJ (1976) Visual contrast sensitivity of a six month old infant measured by the evoked potential. Nature 264: 570-571