Article - Understanding Sport and Body Culture in Japan

Hi everyone,

I found a very interesting article regarding the Japanese body throughout Japan’s modernization period (post-Meiji/1868). At the end of the article, it speaks more specifically about sport culture in Japan, but overall the article is highly relevant and it migh help with your final research paper.

I have attached it to this post.


2 Responses to “Article - Understanding Sport and Body Culture in Japan”

  1. Litz Says:

    Thanks Erin- this sounds really interesting- but I could not find the attachment. It might be a useful article to me- I was going to write my essay on the myth of masculinity but have altered my topic, slightly….I’m not sure if this would be relevant, but I would love to take a look.

  2. Pehlivan Says:

    This is weird, I can’t see it in the post either. I can email it to you, what’s your email?

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