Slide 1
Using Weblogs as a Professional Development Tool
Why do we blog
Slide 4
Join the conversation
A quick poll
Getting back on track
Nuts & bolts
Definition of professional development
Definition of weblog
What is the biblioblogosphere?
Slide 15
Types of blogs
The A-List
Some other ones I really like
The B-List
Slide 21
Some controversies
Why Blogs for Professional Development?
Advantages & disadvantages
Advantages & disadvantages
Of course...
A comparison
Engaging the Biblioblogosphere
Don't just join one community...
Be promiscuous
The ultimate way to engage...
Joining the Biblioblogosphere
Why do we blog?
What I hope to inspire
That's all well and good
Slide 36
Have something to say
How do we blog
Thanks, Walt.
Technical details
Promoting your blog
Slide 42
Fame, or not
Questions...for you!
Slide 47