ASDEditor version 1.03 changes from version 1.02: 1. The edge list pane in the top middle of the window has been put into a scrolled pane. This corrects an oversight in the original design of the ASDEditor. 2. The menu operations "toggle initial instance/node" and "toggle final instance/node" now set the grammar changed flag, so that attempts to load another grammar file or to close the window provide the user the option of saving the changed grammar first. ASDParser version 1.03 changes from version 1.02: 1. A subtle error could occur in version 1.02 when the parser backtracks to a state that leads into the middle of what the parser concluded was a uniquely-parsed subphrase. That error has been corrected in version 1.03. 2. A new public instance method, setSaveUniquelyParsedSubphrases(boolean), has been added to ASDParser. It permits a client to tell an ASDParser instance whether or not to save all uniquely-parsed subphrases when it backtracks. A uniquely-parsed subphrase is defined as one for which each word or phrase type in the subphrase has only one corresponding node (instance) in the grammar, and no choice points occur during parsing of the subphrase. If the parser saves uniquely-parsed subphrases, and thus does not need to re-parse them when it encounters them again, the number of steps it needs to parse an utterance can be significantly fewer than if the parser does NOT save uniquely-parsed subphrases. Due to the nature of the parsing algorithm, even if this optimization feature is switched off by the method call setSaveUniquelyParsedSubphrases(false), some uniquely-parsed subphrases will still be saved when the parser backtracks. With some unusual grammars in which an initial node also has one or more incoming edges, the optimization feature may prevent the parser from finding correct parses in certain cases. For such grammars, setting setSaveUniquelyParsedSubphrases(false) will enable the parser to find the correct parses in all cases. The default for an ASDParser is setSaveUniquelyParsedSubphrases(true). That setting is recommended for normal use of an ASDParser.