Changes to package asd for version 1.12 from earlier versions: 1. After a node has been toggled from final to non-final, the node menu for the old version of ASDEditor still, incorrectly, included an option to "edit semantic value" even though a non-final node has no semantic value augmentation. The new version of ASDEditor corrects that error by providing different popup menus for final nodes versus non-final nodes. 2. The class ASDGrammarSuccessor in package asd formerly was not public. At the request of a user of the ASD tools, that class and its accessor methods have now been made public. 3. An error in the javadoc documentation for the successors() method of class ASDGrammarNode has been fixed. Previously it referred to a class ASDSuccessor which does not exist; that has been corrected to refer to class ASDGrammarSuccessor.