This page lists the complete printed contents of Left History to date, organised as articles, interviews, reviews, etc. Please check the individual pages of each issue for additional information.

[Articles]   [Review Essays]   [Interviews]   [Discussion & Debate]  
[Art/Fiction/Poetry]   [Reflections on E.P. Thompson]   [Reviews]  


Feminist Theories
  Roberta Hamilton (1.1)

The Spirit of Canadian Democracy: Margaret Fairley and the Communist Cultural Worker's Responsibility to the People
  David Kimmel (1.1)

The Death of Communism and the New World Order
  Richard Greeman (1.1)

The Poverty of Theory Revisited: Or, Critical Theory, Historical Materialism, And the Ostensible End of Marxism
  Bryan Palmer (1.1)

Family Matters: The Canadian Family and the State in the Postwar Period
  Annalee Golz (1.2)

Foundations: The Early History of the Australian Communist Party
  Stuart Macintyre (1.2)

Time and Human Agency: A Re-assessment of the Annales Legacy
  Robert C. H. Sweeny (1.2)

Royal Soap? Class and Gender in the Queen Caroline Affair
  Nicholas Rogers (2.1)

The Reception of Arturo Giovannitti's Poetry and the Trial of a New Society
  Hester L. Furey (2.1)

The Politics of His Poetry: Walter Lowenfels' Poetic Response to United States v. Kuzma (1953-54), His Smith Act Trial
  Brian Daldorph (2.1)

Writing 'India,' Doing Ideology: Willian Jones' Construction of India as an Ideological Category
  Himani Bannerji (2.2)

'Not as a White Man, Not as a Sojourner': James A. Teit and the Fight for Native Rights in British Columbia, 1884-1922
  Peter Campbell (2.2)

The Politics of His Poetry: Walter Lowenfels' Poetic Response to United States v. Kuzma (1953-54), His Smith Act Trial
  Brian Daldorph (2.2)

Between Economism and Emancipation: Untouchables and Indian Nationalism, 1920-1950
  Vijay Prashad (3.1)

The Liberal Imagination in The Middle of the Journey
  Christopher Phelps (3.1)

From Revolutionary Intellectual to Conservative Master Thinker: The anti-Democratic Odyssey of James Burnham
  Paul Le Blanc (3.1)

'Roping in the Wretched, the Reckless, and the Wronged': Narratives of the Late Nineteenth-Century Toronto Police Court
  Chris Burr (3.1)

The Many Deaths of Mr. Marx: Or, What Left Historians Might Contribute to Debates About the 'Crisis of Marxism.'
  Ian McKay (3.2/4.1)

The Pattern of the Australian Labor Party's Foreign Policy Since 1900
  Rick Kuhn (3.2/4.1)

'Repressive Measures'": A.J. Andrews, the Committee of 1000 and the Campaign Against Radicalism after the Winnipeg General Strike
  Tom Mitchell (3.2/4.1)

'Going Further': The Aborted Italian Insurrection of July 1948
  Tom Behan (3.2/4.1)

Art and Politics in Interwar Germany: The Photomontages of John Heartfield
    Carolyn Kay (4.2)

Our Jon in Japan: Making Sense of the American Creed
    Jeffrey M. Hornstein (4.2)

Ben and Me: The Disney Version
    Anthony Chase (4.2)

Socialisme ou Barbarie: A French Revolutionary Group (1949-65)
    Marcel van der Linden (5.1)

The Mendicity Society and Its Clients: A Cautionary Tale
    Lynn MacKay (5.1)

Science, Literature and RevolutionL The Life and Writings of Dyson Carter
    James Doyle (5.2)

'This is the White Man's Day': The Irish, White Racial Identity, and the 1866 Memphis Riots
    Barrington Walker (5.2)

Night in the Capitalist, Cold War City: Noir and the Cultural Politics of Darkness
    Bryan D. Palmer (5.2)

"But You Wouldn't Have the Gumption to Use It": Bonnie and Clyde and the Sexual Revolution
    Jana Kay Lunstad (6.1)

Print Workers and Revolutionary Rhetoric in Leipzig and Berlin
    Richard Skinner (6.1)

Diego Rivera and the Left: The Destruction and Reconstruction of the Rockefeller Center Mural
    Dora Apel (6.1)

Introduction to Soviet Culture and Ideology
    Karen Petrone and Choi Chatterjee (6.2)

Ideology, Gender and Propaganda in the Soviet Union: A Historical Survey
    Choi Chatterjee (6.2)

Vlast' from the Past: Stories told by Bolsheviks
    Lars T. Lih (6.2)

When Photographs Speak to Whom Do They Talk? The Origins and Audience of SSSR na Stroike (USSR in Construction)
    Erika Wolf (6.2)

Proletarian Internationalism, "Soviet Patriotism" and the Rise of Russocentric Etatism During the Stalinist 1930s
    David Brandenberger (6.2)

Social Bonds, Sexual Politics, and Political Community on the U.S. Left, 1920s-1940s
    Kathleen A. Brown and Elizabeth Faue (7.1)

The Most Dangerous Drug: Images of African-Americans and Cocaine Use in the Progressive Era
    Catherine Carstairs (7.1)

Making Citizens, Banishing Immigrants: The Discipline of Deportation Investigations, 1908-1913
    Fiona Alice Miller (7.1)

Mothers and Breadwinners: Gender and Working Class Identity in Alsace, 1821-1936
    David Allen Harvey (7.2)

Scripting the Revolution: Regicide in Russia
    Lisa Kirschenbaum (7.2)

Spies, Lies, and a Commission: A Case Study in the Mobilization of the Canadian Civil Liberties Movement
    Dominique Clement (7.2)

Two Critiques Against the State: Errico Malatesta and Carlo Rosselli
    Stanislao G. Pugliase (7.2)

The Life and Politics of David Widgery
    David Renton (8.1)

Rethinking the "Slaves of Salaga": Post-Proclamation Slavery in the Gold Coast (Colonial Southern Ghana), 1874-1899
    Kwabena O. Akurang-Parry (8.1)

"A Culture of the People": Politics and Working-Class Literature in Left Review, 1934-1938
    Ronald Paul (8.1)

"An Unholy Alliance": Irish-Americans and the Political Construction of Whiteness in Memphis, Tennessee, 1866-1879
    Brian D. Page (8.1)



Another Brick in the Wall: Towards a History of the Welfare State in Canada
  Cynthia Comacchio (1.1)

Towards Synthesis in Canadian Working-Class History: Reflections on Bryan Palmer's Rethinking
  Craig Heron (1.1)

Landscape Painting
  Kate Sandilands (1.1)

News From Nowhere: On 'The Great Utopia' Exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum
  Paul Kelley (1.1)

Mass Media, Mass Culture, and the Public Sphere
  Paul Rutherford (1.2)

Whose Side Are You On
  Susan Campbell & Thomas Dapp (1.2)

Building the 'Neue Menchen': Reformers, the State, and Working-Class Housing
  Sean Purdy (1.2)

Paving Paradise: William Morris at the Galleries
  Susan Belyea (2.1)

Outside the Whale: Scholarship and Commitment
  Jeremy Caple (2.1)

Soldiers, Levellers and the 'Middle-Sort' in the English Revolution
  Ian Gentles (2.1)

The Brazilian Workers Party: Recent Histories/Recent History
  Stanley A. Gacek (2.2)

The Classic Years of European Marxism, 1887-1936
  Gerd-Rainer Horn (2.2)

Downsizing the Dream? Race, Class and Justice in the United States
    Corry Dolgon (4.2)

Parading the Past
    Sean Purdy (5.1)

Reading Consumerism
    Sarah Elvins (5.1)

Coerced Loyalty: Racial Equality and "Subversion"
    Mark Soloman (5.2)

Beyond Subdivisions: Social History and the Suburbs
    Steve Penfold (5.2)

Comics, Funny and Unfunny
    Paul Buhle (5.2)

Net-Space as Civil Society Space?
    Tim Seul (5.2)

50th Anniversary of the Un-Americanism in Seattle
    John F. Ruhland (5.2)

Fire's Cycle and Pyne's History
    Matthew Evenden (6.1)

Normalizing" the Writing of Quebec History
    Michael Behiels (6.1)

The CNN Series on the Cold War
    Benjamin D. Lowinsky (6.1)

Shooting Imperialism: Three Documentaries by Julian Samuel
    Cecilia Morgan (6.2)

The Right Trusty Lord Cornbury: Stripping an Historical Figure
    Thomas A. Foster (6.2)

Mechanical Dolls and Rank Ladies
    Fred Nadis (7.1)

Democracy and the Colonial Heritage in Africa: Revisiting Mamdani's Citizen and Subject
    Bill Freund (7.1)

Radical Writing on Painted Walls
    Paul B. Jaskot (7.1)

Fascinating Fascism in North America
    Stanislao G. Pugliese (7.1)

Cleaner of Windows, Taker of Journeys: Rereading Jane Jacobs
    Roger Sale (7.1)

The Labour History of South Asia, 1989-1999: Considerable Accomplishment
    Ian J. Kerr (7.2)

The Pursuit of Psychoanalysis under Conditions of Communism
    Hans Pol (7.2)

Dematerializing Marxism
    Allan Wallach (7.2)



The Collapse of the German Democratic Republic and the Future of European Socialism: An Interview With Dr. Gregor Gysi
  William Pelz (1.2)

Bread and Roses: Sheila Rowbotham, an Introduction, an Appreciation, and an Interview
  Bryan Palmer (2.1)

An Interview with Donald Worster about Environmental History, 13 June 1994
  Matthew Evenden (2.2)

From the French Resistance to Marxist History: an Interview with Professor Pierre Brou‚
  William A. Pelz (3.1)

'Baffling Power'": History, Pedagogy and Body Politics, an Interview with Philip Corrigan
  Arleen Schenke & Handel Kashope Wright (3.2/4.1)

Growing Up Okie: An Interview With Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
    Danny Postel (6.1)

History Frontiers: An Interview with Roy Rosenzweig
    John H. Summers (7.1)

For an Analysis of Autonomia: An Interview with Sergio Bologna
    Patrick Cuninghame (7.2)



Beyond Dichotomies: Re-Assessing Gender History and Women's History in Canada
  Joan Sangster (3.1)

Beyond Purity: A Response To Sangster
  Karen Dubinsky & Lynne Marks (3.2/4.1)

Women's History, Gender History and Debating Dichotomies
  Franca Iacovetta & Linda Kealey (3.2/4.1)

Letter to the Editors
  Steven Penfold (3.2/4.1)

Reconsidering Dichotomies
  Joan Sangster (3.2/4.1)

Introduction: 'History From Way, Way Below:' A Symposium on Robin Kelly's Race Rebels: Culture, Politics and the Black working Class
  Sean Purdy (4.2)

From 'Culturalism' to Cultural Studies: Towards An Embodied Working Class
  Eileen Boris (4.2)

Wage and Resistance
  Eric Lott (4.2)

Class Cultures, Resistance, and the Black Working Class
  Fitzhugh Brundage (4.2)

The Future of the Subaltern Past: Toward a Cosmopolitan 'History from Below'
    Victoria Heftler (5.1)

The Grammar of Hegemony
    Peter Ives (5.1)



The Apocrypha of Whylah Falls
  George Elliott Clarke, Introduced by Daniel Samson (2.1)

In 23**
  Ellison Robertson (2.2)



One and All, One and All: Edward Thompson (1924-1993)
   Peter Linebaugh

Bread and Knowledge Politics: E.P. Thompson (1924-1993)
    Philip Corrigan, with a preface by Himani Bannerji

Historicizing Thompson: An Interview with Bryan D. Palmer
  A. M. Givertz & Marcus Klee



Promethius Research Library, ed., James P. Cannon and the Early Years of American Communism: Selected Writings and Speeches, 1920-1928   BRYAN D. PALMER (1.1)

Dan S. White, Lost Comrades: Socialists of the Front Generation, 1918-1945   WILLIAM A. PELZ (1.1)

Gillian Creese and Veronica Strong-Boag, eds., British Columbia Reconsidered: Essays on Women   KATHY SUTHERLAND-HUARD (1.1)

bell hooks, Black Looks: Race and Representation   GEORGE ELLIOTT CLARKE (1.1)

Christopher Norris, Uncritical Theory: Postmodernism, Intellectuals, and the Persian Gulf War   UZOMA ESONWANNE (1.1)

Betsy Warland, ed., Inversion: Writings by Dykes, Queers & Lesbians   BONNIE HALL (1.1)

E. San Juan Jr., Racial Formation/Critical Transformations: Articulations of Power in Ethnic and Racial Studies in the United States   NAHLA ABDO (1.1)

Mark O. Dickerson, Whose North? Political Change, Political Development, and Self-Government in the Northwest Territories   PETER V. KRATZ (1.1)

David B. Marshall,Secularizing the Faith: Canadian Protestant Clergy and the Crisis of Belief, 1850-1940   WILLIAM H. KATERBERG (1.1)

Bob Knight,Stalinism in Crisis   PHIL RYAN (1.1)

Nicholas Fillmore, The Life and Times of Roscoe Fillmore   PETER CAMPBELL (1.1)

James Naylor, The New Social Democracy: Challenging the Social Order in Industrial Ontario   DAVID BRIGHT (1.1)

Allan Mills, Fool for Christ: The Political Thought of J.S. Woodsworth   VICTOR HUARD (1.1)

Peter Cohen,director. The Architecture of Doom(film 1992)   NICK MCKINNEY (1.1)

Frank Füredi, Mythical Past, Elusive Future: History and Society in an Anxious Age   HARVEY J. HAYE (1.2)

Olwen Hufton, Women and the Limits of Citizenship in the French Revolution   DANIELLA SARNOFF (1.2)

Rose Potvin, ed., Passion and Conviction: The Letters of Graham Spry   DAVID KIMMEL (1.2)

Donald Harman Akenson, God's Peoples: Covenant and Land in South Africa, Israel, and Ulster   WILLIAM H. KATERBERG (1.2)

Roger Biles, A New Deal for the American People   RHONDA F. LEVINE (1.2)

Steven Biel, Independent Intellectuals in the United States   PAUL AXELROD (1.2)

Augie Fleras and Jean Leonard Elliott, The Nations Within: Aboriginal-State Relations in Canada, the United States and New Zealand   KERRY ABEL (1.2)

Paul Le Blanc, Lenin and the Revolutionary Party   MARK A. GABBERT (1.2)

Denise LeClerc, The Crisis of Abstraction in Canada: The 1950s   ANDREW NURSE (1.2)

Cathy Schwichtenberg, ed., The Madonna Connection: Representational Politics, Subcultural Identities, and Cultural Theory   JIM ELLIS (1.2)

Sakae Osugi, The Autobiography of Osugi Sakae   ATSUKO HIRAI (1.2)

Shulamit Reinharz (with the assistance of Lynn Davidson), Feminist Methods in Social Research   LISA D. BRUSH (1.2)

Georges Sioui, For an Amerindian Autohistory, An Essay on the Foundations of a Social Ethic, trans. by Sheila Fischman   NICOLE J.M. ST ONGE (1.2)

Allen P. Stouffer, The Light of Nature and the Law of God: Anti Slavery in Ontario, 1833-1877   DAVID ELTIS (1.2)

Studs Terkel, Race: How Blacks and Whites Think and Feel About the American Obsession   DAVID COCHRAN (1.2)

David Aers, ed., Culture and History 1350-1600: Essays on English Communities, Identities and Writing   ANDREA MCKENZIE (1.2)

Michael L”wy, ed., Marxism in Latin America from 1909 to the Present   MIKE GONZALEZ (1.2)

David MacGregor, Hegel, Marx, and the English State   STEVE D'ARCY (1.2)

Colin Howell & Richard Twomey, eds., Jack Tar in History: Essays in the History of Maritime Life and Labour   JENNIFER FRANCISCO (1.2)

Allan Greer and Ian Radforth, eds., Colonial Leviathan: State Formation in Mid-Nineteenth Century Canada   JANE ERRINGTON (1.2)

Alan M. Wald, The Responsibility of Intellectuals: Selected Essays on Marxist Traditions in Cultural Commitment   IAN BIRCHALL (1.2)

Hamish Kimmins, Balancing Act: Environmental Issues in Forestry   MARK KUHLBERG (1.2)

Dennis R. Klinck, The Word of the Law: Approaches to Legal Discourse   DAVID S. BERRY (1.2)

Margaret Conrad, ed., Making Adjustments: Change and Continuity in Planter Nova Scotia 1759-1800   LORRAINE COOPS (1.2)

Michael Piva, The Borrowing Process: Public Finance in the Province of Canada, 1840-67   KEN CRUICKSHANK (1.2)

Mordecai Briemberg, ed., It Was, It Was Not: Essays & Art on the War Against Iraq   DAN SHOOM (1.2)

Albert Schrauwers, Awaiting the Millennium: The Children of Peace and the Village of Hope, 1812-1889   CECILIA MORGAN (1.2)

Martin Robin, Shades of Right: Nativist and Fascist Politics in Canada, 1920-1940   PHYLLIS M. SENESE (2.1)

Howard Leeson, Grant Notley: The Social Conscience of Alberta   ROBIN WYLIE (2.1)

S F Wise, edited by A B. McKillop and Paul Romney, God's Peculiar Peoples: Essays on Political Culture in Nineteenth Century Canada   BRYAN D. PALMER (2.1)

Kathryn Grover, ed., Hard At Play: Leisure in America, 1840-1940   TONY JOYCE (2.1)

Lyn Mikel Brown and Carol Gilligan, Meeting at the Crossroads: Women's Psychology and Girls' Development   SHARON DANOFF-BURG (2.1)

James Gardiner, A Class Apart: The Private Pictures of Montague Glover   STEVEN MAYNARD (2.1)

Christian G. Appy, Working-Class War: American Combat Soldiers and Vietnam   TIMOTHY E. SCHEURER (2.1)

Albert S. Broussard, Black San Francisco: The Struggle for Racial equality in the West, 1900-1954   RICHARD PAUL FUKE (2.1)

Kerry Abel, Drum Songs: Glimpses of Dene History   NICK GARDNER (2.1)

L. Anders Sandberg, ed., Trouble in the Woods: Forest Policy d Social Conflict in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick   ALAN MACEACHERN (2.1)

Eric W. Sager, Ships and Memories: Merchant Seafarers in Canada's Age of Steam   SEAN T. CADIGAN (2.1)

Arlette Farge, trans.Carol Shelton, Fragile Lives: Violence, Power and Solidarity in Eighteenth-Century Paris   LIANA VARDI (2.1)

Christopher H. Johnson, Maurice Sugar: Law, Labour, and the Left in Detroit, 1912-1950   ELAINE NAYLOR (2.1)

Ernest Forbes and Del Muise, eds., Atlantic Canada in Confederation   MICHAEL SMITH (2.1)

Lin Chun, The British New Left   GEOFF ELEY (2.2)

Tom Wells, The War Within: America's Battle Over Vietnam   DAVID MONOD (2.2)

Marilynn Wood Hill, Their Sisters ' Keepers: Prostitution In New York City, 1830-1870   TAMARA MYERS (2.2)

Dawn H. Currie and Valerie Raoul (eds.), Anatomy of Gender: Women's Struggle for the Body   ANDREA NICKI (2.2)

Teresa Brennan, History After Lacan   JIM ELLIS (2.2)

John N. Vogel, Great Lakes Lumber on the Great Plains: The Laird Norton Lumber Company in South Dakota   GRAEME WYNN (2.2)

Anthony Rotundo, American Manhood   ROBERT B. KRISTOFFERSON (2.2)

Thomas Poguntke, Alternative Politics: The German Green Party   THOMAS O. HUEGLIN (2.2)

Greg Marquis, Policing Canada's Century: A History of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police   MICHAEL BOUDREAU (2.2)

Ruth A. Frager, Sweatshop Strife: Class, Ethnicity and Gender in the Jewish Labour Movement of Toronto, 1900-1939   ROBERT VENTRESCA (2.2)

Daniel Samson, ed., Contested Countryside: Rural Workers and Modern Society in Atlantic Canada, 1800-1950   JEFF TAYLOR (3.1)

Gordon Darroch and Lee Soltow, Property and Inequality in Victorian Ontario: Structural Patterns and Cultural Communities in the 1871 Census   GEORGE EMERY (3.1)

David Rock, ed., Latin America in the 1940s. War and Postwar Transitions   SONYA LIPSETT-RIVERA (3.1)

David J. Bercuson and S. F. Wise, eds., The Valour and the Horror Revisited   R. BRUCE MCINTYRE (3.1)

Peter C. Emberley and Waller R. Newell, Bankrupt Education: The Decline of Liberal Education in Canada   PATRICK J. HARRIGAN (3.1)

Marilyn A. Levine, The Found Generation: Chinese Communists in Europe during the Twenties   GLEN PETERSON (3.1)

Susan Herbst, Numbered Voices: How Opinion Polling has Shaped American Politic   DANIEL J. ROBINSON (3.1)

Ernesto `Che' Guevara, The Motorcycle Diaries: A Journey around South America   VIJAY PRASHAD (3.2/4.1)

Himani Bannerji, Returning the Gaze: Essays on Racism, Feminism and Politics   KAREN HOULE (3.2/4.1)

Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, Righteous Discontent: The Women's Movement in the Black Baptist Church, 1880-1920   MARGARET M.R. KELLOW (3.2/4.1)

Theodor Adorno, translated by Rodney Livingstone, Quasi Una Fantasia: Essays on Modern Music   JUSTIN E.A. BUSCH (3.2/4.1)

Paola A. Sensi Isolani and Phylis Cancilla Martinelli, eds., Struggle and Success: An Anthology of the Italian Immigrant Experience in California   JOHN WALSH (3.2/4.1)

Tina Loo and Lorna R. R. McLean, eds., Historical Perspectives on Law And Society in Canada   CURTIS COLE (3.2/4.1)

Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, The Labor of Dionysus: A Critique of the State Form   PETER R. BABIAK (3.2/4.1)

Mary Kinnear, In Subordination: Professional Women 1870-1970   LINDA M. AMBROSE (4.2)

Bryan D. Palmer, E.P. Thompson: Objections and Oppositions   JEREMY CAPLE (4.2)

Robert J. Young, Colonial Desire: Hybridity in Theory, Culture and Race   DAVID G.A. CASTLE (4.2)

Joanna Bourke, Working Class Cultures in Britain, 1890 1960: Gender, Class and Ethnicity   MICHAEL J. CHILDS (4.2)

Ward Churchill, Indians Are Us? Culture and Genocide in Native North America   NOEL DYCK (4.2)

John D. Fudge, Cargoes, Embargoes and Emissaries. The Commercial and Political Interaction of England and the German Hanse, 1450-1510   ANDREW COLIN GOW (4.2)

Suzanne Morton, Ideal Surroundings. Domestic Life in a Working Class Suburb in the 1920s   DENYSE BAILLARGEON (4.2)

Paul Rutherford, The New Icons?: The Art of Television Advertising   NICK GARDNER (4.2)

Roger Magraw, A History of the French Working Class, Volume I & II   MICHAEL D. SIBALIS (4.2)

The Chilly Collective, eds., Breaking Anonymity: The Chilly Climate for Women Faculty   PATRICIA ELLIOT (4.2)

Louise I. Carbert, Agrarian Feminism: The Politics of Ontario Farm Women   TERRY CROWLEY (4.2)

James Struthers, The Limits Of Affluence: Welfare in Ontario, 1920-1970   EVA GARCIA (4.2)

Carolyn Strange, Toronto's Girl Problem: The Perils And Pleasures Of The City, 1890-1930   SHELLY BLOM (4.2)

A. B. McKillop, Matters of Mind : The University in Ontario, 1791-1951   JOHN D. THOMOS (4.2)

Paul Le Blanc, From Marx to Gramsci: A Reader in Revolutionary Marxist Politics   JOHN HINSHAW/li>

Priscilla Murolo, The Common Ground of Womanhood: Class, Gender, and Working Girls' Clubs, 1884-1928   RUTH M. ALEXANDER (5.1)

Alexander Saxon, The Great Midland   BILL MULLEN (5.1)

Doug Owram, Born at the Right Time: A History of the Baby Boom Generation   PAUL NOTLEY (5.1)

Leslie J. Vaughan, Randolph Bourne and the Politics of Cultural Radicalism   MICHAEL WRESZIN (5.1)

Raphael Samuel, Unravelling Britain, Theatres of Memory, vol II   JOHN R. GILLIS (5.2)

Michael Denning, The Cultural Front: The Laboring of American Culture in the Twentieth Century   TONY CHASE (5.2)

Anne M. Butler, Gendered Justice in the American West: Women Prisoners in Men's Roles   AMY FARRELL & NICOLE RAFTER (5.2)

Jesse Lemisch, Jack Tar vs. John Bull: The Role of New York's Seamen in Precipitating the Revolution   CARL E. SWANSON (5.2)

Philip D. Morgan, Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth Century Chesapeake and Lowcountry   TIM LOCKLEY (5.2)

Jennifer S.H. Brown and Elizabeth Vibert, eds., Reading Beyond Words: Contexts for Native History   CHRIS HANNIBAL-PACI (5.2)

Radicals and Revolutionaries: The History of Canadian Communism From the Robert S. Kenny Collection   JULIE GUARD (5.2)

Thomas Frank, The Conquest of Cool: Business Culture, Counterculture and the Rise of Hip Consumerism   PAUL RUTHERFORD (5.2)

Kirk Savage, Standing Soldiers, Kneeling Slaves: Race, War, and Monument in Nineteennth-Century America   JONATHAN F. VANCE (5.2)

Dan Azoulay, Keeping the Dream Alive: The Survival of the Ontario CCF/NDP, 1950-1963   DONALD C. MCDONALD (5.2)

Sarah Carter, Capturing Women: The Manipulation of Cultural Imagery in Canada's Prairie West   SHEILA MCMANUS (5.2)

Julian E. Orr, Talking About Machines: An Ethnography of a Modern Job   LISA CLARKSON (5.2)

Elizabeth R. Varon, We Mean to be Counted: White Women and Politics in Antebellum Virginia   SALLY G. MCMILLEN (5.2)

Edward Alexander, Irving Howe -- Socialist, Critic, Jew   ALAN COOPER (6.1)

Paul Goodman, Of One Blood: Abolitionism and the Origins of Racial Equality   FRANK TOWERS (6.1)

Billy Bragg and Wilco, Mermaid Avenue   PAUL D. FISCHER (6.1)

Francis Robert Shor, Utopianism and Radicalism in a Reforming America,1888-1918   JEAN PFAELZER (6.1)

Whitney Chadwick, ed., Mirror Images: Women, Surrealism, and Self-representation   LISA D. FREIMAN (6.1)

Linda McQuaig, The Cult of Impotence: Selling the Myth of Powerlessness in the Global Economy   JOSEPH K. ROBERTS (6.1)

Christopher Phelps, Young Sidney Hook: Marxist and Pragmatist   KENT WORCESTER (6.1)

Dominique Marshall, Aux origines sociales de l'État-providence:Familles québécoises, obligation scolaire etallocations familiales 1940-1955   MAGDA FAHRNI (6.1)

J. Anthony Lukas, Big Trouble   JAMES A. YOUNG (6.1)

Andrea Stulman Dennett, Weird and Wonderful: The Dime Museum in America   MARK BALDWIN (6.1)

John Hellman, The Knight-Monks of Vichy France: Uriage, 1940-1945 (Second Edition)   SEAN KENNEDY (6.1)

Paul Buhle and Patrick McGilligan, Tender Comrades: A Backstory of the Hollywood Blacklist   JOE DORINSON (6.1)

Neil Parsons, King Khama, Emperor Joe, and the Great White Queen: Victorian Britain Through African Eyes   LAURENCE KITZAN (6.1)

Nina Rattner Gelbart, The King's Midwife: A History and Mystery of Madame du Coudray   LINDSAY WILSON (6.2)

David Cannadine, The Rise and Fall of Class in Britain   STEPHEN HEATHORN (6.2)

Jody Blake, Le Tumulte Noir: Modernist Art and Popular Entertainment in Jazz-Age Paris, 1900-1930   CHARLENE REGESTER (6.2)

Michael M. Sheng, Battling Western Imperialism: Mao, Stalin, and the United States   STEPHEN G. CRAFT (6.2)

Leo Panitch and Colin Leys, The End of Parliamentary Socialism: From the New Left to New Labour   PATRICK SEYD (6.2)

John M. Coward, the Newspaper Indian: Native American Identities and the Press, 1820-90 and Philip J. Deloria, Playing Indian   GILLIAN POULTER (6.2)

Michael P. Brown, RePlacing Citizenship: AIDS Activism and Radical Democracy   TIMOTHY M. BANKS (6.2)

Colin A.M. Duncan, The Centrality of Agriculture: Between Humankind and the Rest of Nature   PATRICIA ALLEN (6.2)

Pavla Miller, The Transformation of Patriarchy in the West, 1500-1900   JULIE HARDWICK (6.2)

Richard Buel, Jr., In Irons: Britain's Naval Supremacy and the American Revolutionary Economy   ANDREW O'SHAUGHNESSY (6.2)

Carlotta R. Anderson, All American Anarchist: Joseph A. Labadie and the Labor Movement   RICH GIBSON (6.2)

David Rayside, On the Fringe: Gay and Lesbian Politics   MOMIN RAHMAN (6.2)

Alison M. Parker, Purifying America: Women, Cultural Reform, and Pro-censorship Activism, 1873-1933   MARK C. ANDERSON (6.2)

Anthony Chase, Law and History: The Evolution of the American Legal System   DAVID THOMAS KONIG (6.2)

Mark Solomon, The Cry Was Unity: Communists and African-Americans, 1917-1936   RANDI STORCH (6.2)

Alan C. Purves, The Web of Text and the Web of God: An Essay on the Third Information Transformation   J. MACGREGOR WISE (6.2)

Donald C. MacDonald, The Happy Warrior: Political Memoirs   ALVIN FINKEL (6.2)

Phillippe Gottraus, "Socialisme ou Barbarie." Un engagement politique et intellectuel dans la France de l'apres-guerre   MARCEL VAN DER LINDEN (6.2)

Perry Mars, Ideology and Change: The Transformation of the Caribbean Left   MARK T. BERGER (6.2)

Dennis Dworkin, Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain: History, the New Left and the Origins of Cultural Studies and John Bellamy Foster, editors, In Defense of History: Marxism and the Postmodern Agenda   DAN SCHILLER (6.2)

Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink, Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics   NANCY A. NAPLES (6.2)

Judy Kaplan and Linn Shapiro, eds., Red Diapers: Growing Up in the Communist Left   REBECCA SCHREIBER (6.2)

li>Karin A. Shapiro, A New South Rebellion: The Battle Against Convict Labor in the Tennessee Colafields, 1871-1896   JENNIFER LUFF (7.1)

Karin A. Shapiro, A New South Rebellion: The Battle Against Convict Labor in the Tennessee Colafields, 1871-1896   HEATHER ANN THOMPSON (7.1)

Bonnie G. Smith, The Gender of History: Men, Women, and Historical Practise   JOY DIXON (7.1)

Bonnie G. Smith, The Gender of History: Men, Women, and Historical Practise   KRISTIN HOGANSON (7.1)

Bonnie G. Smith, The Gender of History: Men, Women, and Historical Practise   PETER CAMPBELL (7.1)

Carolyn Hamilton, Terrific Magesty: The Powers of Shaka Zulu and the Limits of Historical Invention   DIANE JEATER (7.1)

Donald Caton, What a Blessing She Had Chloroform: The Medical and Social Response to the Pain of Childbirth and Jo Murphy-Lawless, Reading Birth and Death: A History of Obsteric Thinking   MAXINE RHODES (7.1)

David Goodman, Fault Lines: Journeys Into the New South Africa   ARAN MACKINNON (7.1)

Michael Goodich, ed., The Other Middle Ages: Witnesses at the Margin of Medieval Society   ADAM KOSTO (7.1)

Bruce Gilley, Tiger on the Brink, Jiang Zemin and China's New Elite   TINA MAI CHEN (7.1)

Gerald Friedman, State-Making and Labor Movements: France and the United States, 1876-1914   PAUL MICHEL TAILLON (7.1)

Shani D'Cruze, Crimes of Outrage: Sex, Violence and Victorian Working Women   PABLO MITCHELL (7.1)

Michael Dawson, The Mountie: From Dime Novel to Disney   A.A. DEN OTTER (7.1)

Campbell Craig, Destroying the Village: Eisenhower and Nuclear War   DAVID SEED (7.1)

Hakim Adi, West Africans in Britain, 1900-1960: Nationalism, Pan-Africanism, and Communism   LESLIE BESSANT (7.1)

Denise J. Youngblood, The Magic Mirror: Moviemaking in Russia, 1908-1918   CATRIONA KELLY (7.1)

Colin MacCabe, The Eloquence of the Vulgar: Language, Cinema and the Politics of Culture   RICHARD KELLER SIMON (7.1)

Siegfried Kracauer, The Salaried Masses: Duty and Distraction in Weimar Germany   DAVID F. CREW (7.1)

Matthew Affron and Mark Antliff, eds., Fascist Vision: Art and Ideology in France and Italy   CAROLYN KAY (7.1)

Molly Ladd-Taylor and Lauri Umansky, eds., "Bad" Mothers: The Politics of Blame in Twentieth-Century America   PRISCILLA WALD (7.1)

Leo Ou-Fan Lee, Shanhai Modern: The Flowering of a New Urban Culture in China, 1930-1945 and Lisa Rofel, Other Modernities: Gendered Yearnings in China After Socialism   ANTONIA FINNANE (7.1)

Bill V. Mullen, Popular Fronts: Chicago and African-American Cultural Politics, 1935-46 and William J. Maxwell, New Negro, Old Left: African-American Writing and Communism Between the Wars   PETER RACHLEFF (7.1)

Adam Michnik, Letters from Freedom: Post-Cold War Realities and Perspectives   SEUN-WHAN CHOI (7.1)

Cynthia Keppley Mahmood, Fighting for Faith and Nation: Dialogues with Sikh Militants   LOUIS E. FENECH (7.1)

David Palmer, Organizing the Shipyards: Union Strategy in Three Northeast Ports, 1933-1945   HOWARD KIMELDORF (7.1)

Peter Oliver, "Terror to Evil-Doers": Prisons and Punishments in Nineteenth-Century Ontario   DONALD FYSON (7.1)

Michael E. Birdwell, Celluloid Soldiers: Warner Bros.'s Campaign against Nazism   JENNIFER LANGDON-TECLAW (7.1)

Diane Winston, Red-Hot and Righteous: The Urban Religion of the Salvation Army   JAMES OPP (7.1)

Christopher Waldrep, Roots of Disorder: Race and Criminal Justice in the American South, 1817-1880   SCOTT HANCOCK (7.1)

Vladimir Tismaneanu, Fantasies of Salvation: Democracy, Nationalism, and Myth in Post-Communist Europe   T. MILLS KELLY (7.1)

David F. Schmitz, Thank God They're on Our Side: The United States and Right-Wing Dictatorships, 1921-1965   STEVEN S. VOLK (7.1)

Stephen G. Rabe, The Most Dangerous Area in the World: John F. Kennedy Confronts Communist Revolution in Latin America   THOMAS J. CARTY (7.1)

Clyde Woods, Development Arrested: The Blues and Plantation Power in the Mississippi Delta   TED OWNBY (7.1)

David D. Gilmore, Carnival and Culture: Sex, Symbol, and Status in Spain   DAVID ORTIZ JR. (7.2)

Eric Arnesen, Julia Greene, and Bruce Laurie, eds., Labor Histories: Class, Politics and the Working-Class Experience   JOHN S. OLSZOWKA (7.2)

Jeffrey M. Ayres, Defying Conventional Wisdom: Political Movements and Popular Contention against North American Free Trade   MICHAEL ORSINI (7.2)

Kathleen Biddick, The Shock of Medievalism   DANIEL WILLIMAN (7.2)

Dana Nelson, National Manhood: Capitalist Citizenship and the Imagined Fraternity of White Men   AMY CUMMINS (7.2)

Robert Bruno, Steelworker Alley: How Class Works in Youngstown   JOHN RUSSO (7.2)

Nicole Hahn Rafter, Creating Born Criminals   DAVID HOOGLAND NOON (7.2)

Alain Grosrichard, The Sultan's Court: European Fantasies of the East   MATTHEW DIMMOCK (7.2)

Jan F. Dizard, Robert Merrill Muth, and Stephen P. Andrews, jr., eds., Guns in America: A Reader   JAMES W. MURRELL (7.2)

Douglas R. Weiner, A Little Corner of Freedom: Russian Nature Protection from Stalin to Gorbachev   DAVID HOOSON (7.2)

Thomas W. Zeiler, Free Trade, Free World: The Advent of GATT   CARL STRIKWERDA (7.2)

James Chandler, England in 1819: The Politics of Literary Culture and the Case of Romantic Historicism and E. P. Thompson, The Romantics: England in a Revolutionary Age   JEFFREY N. COX (7.2)

Daniel W. Clayton, Islands of Truth: The Imperial Fashioning of Vancouver Island   ADELE PERRY (7.2)

Sol Dollinger and Genora Johnson Dollinger, Not Automatic: Women and the Left in the Forging of the Auto Workers' Union   DIMITRY ANASTAKIS (7.2)

Kristin L. Hoganson, Fighting for American Manhood: How Gender Politics Provoked the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars   AIMS MCGUINNESS (7.2)

Sidney Milkis and Jerome M. Mileur, eds., Progressivism and the New Democracy   ANNE BRECKENRIDGE (7.2)

Orin Starn, Nightwatch: the Politics of Protest in the Andes by Paulo Drinot   PAULO DRINOT (7.2)

John K. Cooley, Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism   JEET HEER (7.2)

Charles Tilly,Durable Inequality DAVID G. BURLEY (8.1)

Bryan D. Palmer, Cultures of Darkness: Night Travels in the Histories of Transgression GEOFF ELEY (8.1)

Gregory Elliot, Perry Anderson: The Merciless Laboratory of History & John Higgins, Raymond Williams: Literature, Marxism, and Cultural Materialism DENNIS DWORKIN (8.1)

Hans Turley, Rum, Sodomy and the Lash: Piracy, Sexuality and Masculine Identity GREG DENNING (8.1)

Adele Perry, On the Edge of Empire: Gender, Race, and the Making of British Columbia, 1849-1871 PAUL ORLOWSKI (8.1)

Allan Kulikoff, From British Peasants to Colonial American Farmers NEIL KENNEDY (8.1)

Daniel A. Colemen, The Anarchist: A Novel JOHN M. ALLSWANG (8.1)

Robert McDonald, Boys in the Pits: Child Labour in Coal Mines ANDREW B. ARNOLD (8.1)

Roy Vogt,Whose Property? The Deepening Conflict Between Private Property and Democracy in Canada DOUGLAS C. HARRIS (8.1)

Michael Torigian,Every Factory a Fortress: The French Labour Movement in the Age of Ford and Hitler SEAN KENNEDY (8.1)

Allan Antliff, Anarchist Modernism: Art, Politics, and the First American Avant-Garde MICHAEL THURSTON (8.1)

David McNally, Bodies of Meaning: Studies of Language, Labor, and Liberation Bryan D. Palmer (8.1)

Laura Hapke, Labor's Text: The Worker in American Fiction LISA COOPER (8.1)

Laurie Lisle, Without Child: Challenging the Stigma of Childlessness SANDRA BELL (8.1)

John H.M. Laslett, Colliers Across the Sea: A Comparative Study of Class Formation in Scotland and the American Midwest, 1830-1924 JAMES JAFFE (8.1)

Pamela Pilbeam, French Socialists Before Marx: Workers, Women and the Social Question in France RONALD CREAGH (8.1)

Jonathan Beecher, Victor Considerant and the Rise and Fall of French Romantic Socialism RONALD CREAGH (8.1)

Patricia Nelson Limerick, Something in the Soil: Legacies and Reckonings in the New West CINDY LOCH-DRAKE (8.1)

Mary H. Blewett,Constant Turmoil: The Politics of Industrial Life in Nineteenth-Century New England BRUCE COHEN (8.1)

Amy Erdman Farrell,Yours in Sisterhood: Ms. Magazine and the Promise of Popular Feminism VALERIE J. KORINEK (8.1)

Harry Oosterhuis, Stepchildren of Nature: Krafft-Ebing, Psychiatry and the Making of Sexual Identity ELISE CHENIER (8.1)

David Blanke, Sowing the American Dream: How Consumer Culture Took Root in the Rural Midwest SARAH ELVINS (8.1)

Kathleen Kennedy, Disloyal Mothers and Scurrilous Citizens: Women and Subversion During World War I JOHN THOMAS MCGUIRE (8.1)

Joan Sangster,Regulating Girls and Women: Sexuality, Family, and the Law in Ontario, 1920-1960 JOANNE C. MINAKER (8.1)

C. Wright Mills,The New Men of Power: America's Labor Leaders DAVID CAMFIELD (8.1)

Robert Seguin, Around Quitting Time: Work and Middle-Class Fantasy in American Fiction STEPHEN HARDMAN (8.1)


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