


Course Outline 



For Math 4630 or 6625 students:

For Math 4630 or 6625 students:

I am putting a writeup on the project in the assignment folder. There will also be another assignment, coming soon.

I've put a manual for SPLUS, in pdf format, in the Data folder. You can read it with Adobe Acrobat, which is available for free download if it isn't on the machine you are using. 

Here is a link to Prof. Monette's Short Course on SPLUS

If you follow the links from there, you can get all of the basic commands for SPLUS, including how to read in the data tables given below from the textbook.

 The data from the disk in the text is available in two places on York systems: on pascal, under lezned/Data, and on the web, in the Data directory for the course (listed as 4630). I should have it available on phoenix in a directory you can link to by next week.

In general, you may want to create the following links from within the S directory you create:

On pascal, you can make the directory containing the data available to you most easily by creating a symbolic link to it, using the command

ln -s /home/faculty/lezned/Data

On gauss, you can make the directory containing the data available to you most easily by creating a symbolic link to it, using the command

ln -s /rmounts/pascal/faculty/lezned/Data

 Club Infinity, York's Math Club for undergraduate students, is holding Exam Sales once again at the following times:

Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday starting on the 22nd March and ending on the 5th April; 10:30am - 4:30pm

Location: Math Common Room N537 Ross

10 cents per page





Statistical resources and organizations

Last revised:

Thursday, 04-Oct-2001 12:02:12 EDT