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TORONTO, July 9, 1996: York University's Centre for Health Studies has been chosen as one of five national sites for a Centre of Excellence for Women's Health Program.

Health Canada has committed $2 million per centre. The York Centre will operate in partnership with many academic and non-governmental health organizations across the country. It will focus on two areas: health systems and women's health; and the transformation of work and its impact on women's health.

To do this, the York Centre has organized a National Network on Environments and Women's Health (NNEWH), a national and multidisciplinary network of social researchers and community partners. Network participants will conduct research, network, and carry on education and training, and policy development to: improve the health system's understanding of and responsiveness to Canadian women's health status and practices; better understand the risks to Canadians women's health; and develop strategies for change. NNEWH will be physically located within the Women and Health Research Group of the York University Centre for Health Studies (YCHS). YCHS will serve as the lead institution and provide the organization infrastructure for the network.

The 29 researchers affiliated with NNEWH come from a wide variety of disciplines, including: behavioural science; Canadian studies; clinical psychology; community health sciences; economics; environmental studies; law; labour studies; natural sciences; nursing; philosophy; social and medical anthropology; social science; social work; and sociology. Community partners include: DES Action Canada; The Institute for Feminist Legal Research; La Table Feministe de concertation provinciale; World Alliance for Breatfeeding Action; Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine; B.C. Ministry of Health (Aboriginal Health Policy Branch); the Northern Health Human Resources Research Unit (Lakehead University); the Roeher Institute; the Canadian Association for Community Living; and the Canadian Union of Public Employees.

"Social science is critical to, but presently plays too small a role in, the study of social determinants of health," says Georgina Feldberg, director of York's Centre for Health Studies and director of NNEWH. "The researchers and partners have experience and expertise that embraces a wide range of Canadian situations. The partners are united in their commitment to an approach to women's health that uses the tools and methods of social science to explore, understand and rectify disparities in health." NNEWH will use social science research methods to develop better measures, data and interpretations of women's health practices and of their perceptions of health risks, Feldberg adds.

The federal government announced the Centres of Excellence for the Women's Health Program in late June as a response to the serious lack of research on women's health in Canada and the fact that women's health has not generally received appropriate attention in the health system. The overall purpose of the program is to improve the health of Canadian women by enhancing the health system's understanding of, and responsiveness to, women's health issues.

The five Centres were chosen from among 25 candidates. The other Centres include: the Maritime Consortium, Dalhousie University, Halifax; the Université de Montréal; the Prairie Region Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, Women's Health Clinic, Winnipeg; and the British Columbia Consortium for Women's Health, B.C. Women's Hospital and Health Centre, Vancouver.

"The Centres for Excellence for Women's Health Program will promote and facilitate collaboration between researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and consumers, and I believe that this will ultimately help improve the health status of Canadian women," says federal Health Minister David Dingwall.

York University, the third largest in Canada, is nationally and internationally respected for its innovative research and teaching. With its combination of dedicated and talented faculty, bright and ambitious students, dynamic curriculum and modern campus in the heart of one of North America's most influential urban centres, York University is setting the modern standard in academic excellence.


For more information, contact:

Dr. Georgina Feldberg
York University Centre for Health Studies
(416) 736-5941


Cindy Kleiman
Department of Communications
(416) 736-2100, ext. 22086


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