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TORONTO, November 21, 1996 -- To help understand the evolution of events in Zaire, Rwanda, and surrounding African countries which have dominated the news during the past few weeks, York University offers up the following experts:

  • Howard Adelman, professor at York's Centre for Refugee Studies and professor of philosophy. Adelman is the co-author of the International Report on Early Warning and Conflict Management: The Genocide in Rwanda, which was published in March 1996. An expert on refugee issues, theories of state, the obligations of states and a theory of justice applied to refugee issues, political theory and political thought. He can provide a historical background on the current conflict in Zaire and Rwanda. (416) 736-5113 or (h) (416) 533-5012 or email: hadelman@yorku.ca

  • Jack Granatstein, professor emeritus of history, a Canadian historian and author, an expert on peacekeeping and the military, the Canadian military, Canadian foreign policy, military history, and the logistics of moving troops into the region. Granatstein was this year's national recipient of the Vimy Award by the Conference of Defence Associations for his outstanding achievement in the field of Canadian defence and security. At home at (416) 923-5521.

  • Pablo Idahosa, professor of social science and the co-ordinator of the Africa Studies program at York, a generalist who can discuss any broad political, economic, or regional issues related to Africa. Idahosa has lived in Africa for 20 years, mostly in Nigeria but also in Algeria, and is particularly knowledgeable about those two countries, but can discuss any region of the continent, including East Africa. (416) 736-2100 ext. 66939 or at home at (416) 658-7265.

  • Sydney Kanya-Forstner, professor of African history, an expert on colonialism in Africa, European expansion in Africa in the 19th Century, West African responses to European expansion, French imperial expansion from 1815 to 1920, and the French colonial movement from 1890 to 1960. Kanya-Forstner speaks and reads French. (416) 736-5123 ext. 66976.

  • Paul Lovejoy, a professor of African history and professor at York's Centre for Refugee Studies, just returned from a research trip to Angola, an expert on African economic and social history and the history of slavery. He has written more than 10 books, and has done extensive research in Africa, particularly Nigeria. He is one of the heads of an international network of scholars collaborating on a study of the slave trade of the Nigerian hinterland. 736-5663 ext. 20560; (416) 736-5123 ext. 30415 or at home at (416) 961-1480.

  • John Saul, a professor of social science at York's Atkinson College, can provide a historical background on conflicts in Africa. He specializes in southern Africa in particular. (416) 736-2100 ext. 33332.

  • Patricia Stamp, professor of social science, grew up in South Africa. Her research interests include: Africa, the Third World; gender relations; women and development; Kenya; political economy; politics and ideology. She has travelled through Africa as part of her research into gender and development, and is a founding member of the African Studies program at York. She was one of five Canadians honoured early this year by the International Development Research Centre for her work on gender and development in the Third World. (416) 736-5148 or at home at (416) 493-5838.


    For more information, call:

    Mary Ann Horgan
    Media Relations
    York University
    (416) 736-2100, ext. 22086

    Sine MacKinnon
    Senior Advisor for Media Relations
    York University
    (416) 736-2100, ext. 22087

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