New line and new paragraph

There is a long story
This is the new story
And so on....

Nine days later.
Restart the story count.
New line in town.

This is a paragraph in the middle of a page.
Do you like it?


This text will be displayed in red with Times Roman.
This text will be displayed in green and either Arial, Lucida Sans, or Times Roman, depending on which fonts you have installed on the client (browser)system.



Six levels
Six levels

Six levels

Six levels

Six levels

Six levels

Preformatted text

This is an example line.
This is an example line.


T is an array with elements Ti, j

Newsletter editor
J.R. Black
Post News, Oshawa, ON , M3T 1A2
Tel (123) 456 7890

He likes very much this book, The Grapes of Wrath.

He likes very much this book, The Grapes of Wrath.

The expression x *= y is short for x = x * y.

The expression x *= y is short for x = x * y.

Type file| more to check file for errors.