  • Accessibility of Electronic Resources: A research study that I conducted with Kelly Dermody (Ryerson University Library) about the accessibility of library databases by screen readers
  • York University Libraries Research Support: website created for York University librarians and archivists; both new and experienced. It is an initiative developed from recommendations from Strategy 13 (Encourage research by York Librarians) of the York University Libraries Strategic Plan 2007-2010. The aim of the website is to direct and support librarians and archivists who are interested in pursuing all forms of research whether for publication, promotion, tenure, or other reasons.
  • York University Scholarly Communication Initiatives: The goal of the Scholarly Communication Committee is to develop a viable, multi-year plan for Scholarly Communication, drawing on successes at other institutions, taking advantage of York's unique position as the "Interdisciplinary University".
  • Black Culture and History Display Feb. 2008