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Progress Monitor Tool

For all degrees in Chemistry and Biochemistry.

How it works: You input your courses, it measures your progress.
  • You list all the courses you've taken and any credits transfered from another university, using simple pull-down menus.
    They will be assembled into an Academic Record, which will be stored as a cookie on the computer you're using now, for easy retrieval and later modification. This also allows you to test various scenarios and course combinations to see how they would fit with your degree program. Alternatively, you can clear the record after you're done and delete the cookie.
  • New: You can choose to enter your grades to enable a gpa calculation, or to skip this part. If you opt for a gpa calculation, specify all of the grades that count, including failed courses and the second grades for any courses that were repeated (unless you were granted a petition to have a different grade count). An accurate calculation of your gpa will provide your advisor with a clearer picture of your situation, since on-going minimum gpa values are required, but you may choose to skip the gpa calculation if your gpa is well above the minimum.
  • Once your acacemic record is complete, you pick your degree program and the module shows your academic progress, seeing what requirements have been met, which still need to be met, and what courses you're eligible to take next.
  • The tool can then prepare a one-page Academic Progress Report for you to print out and bring to your advising appointment.
  • New: You can now e-mail your Academic Progress Report to your advisor ahead of an advising appointment (to save paper) and/or at the same time send yourself a non-volatile copy.
  • You can modify your academic record at all times and measure it against any degree program. This allows you to test a variety of scenarios to help you plan ahead. Each scenario created here can be stored as a cookie under a unique name for you to retrieve at a later time.
  • View a Pre-packaged Course List

      You can choose one of the pre-selected course packages listed below as a starting point.
      This will create a cookie as before, but you can add to or change the course selections at will and provide your own grades to fashion your own Academic Record, which you will be able to store under a unique name.
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    Create/Choose a Record

      Previous users can choose from records already saved or choose 'Create a new record' in the list box to start from scratch. Click on 'Need Help?' for further guidance.
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