NEW! E-mail comments or submissions (preferably in HTML) for this page to hall[at] ...I make no claims about the completeness of the information on this page, but I'm always looking to hear about more surveys.

Wide-Field and/or Deep Extragalactic Optical/Near-IR Surveys -- Summary

Survey NameArea, Sq. DegreesMagnitude Limit Info U B V R I Z J K Other
SDSS 10000AB5sigPt 22.3 g23.3 23.1 23.1 22.3 20.8 -- --
Zaritsky 130 AB5sigGx -- -- -- ~22 -- -- -- -- V+R filter
RCS 100 AB5sigGx -- -- -- 25.15 -- 23.6 -- -- In Progress
BTC40 40 Vg5sigPt (25/32) 24.7 25.0 -- 23.4 (22/40) -- --
NDWFS 18 AB5sigGx -- 26.6 -- 26 26 -- (20.2) 19-19.5 (H,19.6)
EIS-WIDE 17 Vg80%Com (23?/2) 24/2 23.5/3 -- 22.5 (22.3/6) -- --
VIRMOS 16 AB5sigGx ** ** ** ** ** (**) -- **In Progress
Deeprange 16 AB5sigGx -- -- -- -- 24 -- -- --
BFQS 7 Vg5sigPt -- 26.25 -- >=25.4 >=24.2 -- -- --
PDCS 5.1 AB5sigGx -- -- 23.55 -- 22.25 -- -- --
CNOC2 1.55 Vg5sigGx 23 24.6 24 24 23 -- -- -- (H,19/0.35)
CNOC2+ 6 Vg5sigGx -- (24.6) (24.4) (24.1) (23.1) -- -- --
CFHT-VRZ 1 AB5sigPt -- -- 26.75 26.35 -- 24.6 -- -- In Progress
CFDF 1 Vg5sigGx ~26 ~26 ~26 -- ~25 -- -- --
CIRSI 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- H~21
MUNICS 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 21.0 19.5
DMS 0.83 Vg5sigPt 22.8 23.8 23.5 23.0 22.4 -- -- -- I8600,22.1
HSTMDS >0.36 AB5sig?Pt -- 25.1/>0.03 25.1/>0.3 -- 24.1 -- -- --
CADIS 0.28 Vg5sigGx -- 24.75 -- 24.25 -- -- -- 21.25 +7 narrow bands
EIS-DEEP 0.07 AB5sigPt (26.8) (26) (26) (26.3) (26.5) -- (AB24.3)(AB23.4)(H,AB23.9)
HDF 0.0015 AB5sigPt 27.7 28.6 29.0 -- 28.4 -- AB24.3 AB23.8 H,AB23.7

Notes to Table:
Magnitude Limit Info Key: Vg=Vega magnitudes; Com=Completeness; Gx=Galaxy; Pt=Point Source.
"/Number" means that the imaging in that filter only covers the indicated number of square degrees.
"(Parentheses)" indicate pending observations.
*J, H, and K magnitudes are NOT given in AB magnitudes unless noted.

Here is a text version of the above table.

Wide-Field and/or Deep Extragalactic Optical/Near-IR Surveys -- Details

Big Optical/Near-IR Cameras

Surveys at Other Wavelengths

Pat Hall -- Astronomer -- pathall[at]