Paged memory technique    (Dale and Lewis, Chapter 10.3, Process Management)


A memory management technique in which processes are divided into fixed-size pages and stored in memory frames when loaded into memory

Page-map table (PMT)  A table used by the operating system to keep track of page/frame relationships

       Frame  A fixed-size portion of main memory that holds a process page

       Page  A fixed-size portion of a process that is stored into a memory frame


Description: c10f07


A logical address in a paged memory management system begins as a single integer value relative to the starting point of the program, as it was in a partitioned system.


This address is modified into two (2) values by dividing the address by the page size:

  • A page number - # of times the page size divides the address
  • An offset


e.g., Logical address of 2566, with a page size of 1024, corresponds to the 518th byte of page 2 of the process.


2566/1024 = 2.5058

Page = 2

Offset = 1024*0.5058 = 518


<page, offset> - <2,518>


  1. Look up the page in PMT to find the frame #
  2. Multiply the frame # by the frame size
  3. Add the offset




e.g., If process 1 is active and Page Size = 1024

A logical address of <1,222>