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!A festival celebrating the finding of Osiris’ body by Isis and his reconstitution and resurrection.

! The festival is known from the Middle Kingdom at Abydos when it consisted of a procession between the temple and cemetery where Osiris’ followers fought off his enemies.

!As Osiris became more and more popular, other gods of the dead where identified with him, such as Sokar, a falcon god of Memphis.

! Over time, the festival focussed on the secret ("mystery") of Osiris’ resurrection which was re-presented in a closed activity.

! A number of scripts relating to this activity survive from the Ptolemaic period. Most consist of fragmentary papyrus scrolls, but the most complete overview is found in a text inscribed in one of the roof chapels of the temple of Hathor at Dendera.

! The month of Khoiak is the 4th and last month of the Innundation season (Oct. – Dec., according to when the year starts), when the land rises from the flood ready for planting.

! Between the 12th and the 30th of Khoiak two symbolic mummies are made to celebrate the mystery of rebirth.

! On the 26th Khoiak a great procession in honour of Sokar should coincide with the appearance of the full moon.

! On the 26th Khoiak (=28th December 47 B.C.E.), Cleopatra Philopator inaugurated the chapels built in memory of her father by celebrating the Festival of Sokar in them.

The Mystery Text

!Is found in the first chapel and gives an outline of what happened throughout the whole festival.

!Is divided into seven books.

!Is supplemented by depictions of some of the activities found in the other chapels.

Synopsis of Mystery TextBOOK 1

Describes how the activity is carried out in different parts of Egypt. The mummies are made in the house of the Shentiyac or widow (=Isis).


Describes how the mummy of Khentamentiyu is made of barley and sand pressed into a mould and left to germinate in a "tank garden" or water table between 12 and 20 of Khoiak. The "divine remains" or body parts of Osiris are also similarly recreated. They are mummified and stored and the mummies from the previous year are buried at the end of the month.


Describes how the mummy of Sokar is made from a specially prepared egg of aromatic ingredients which are pressed into a mould and treated in a similar way to the mummy of Khentamentiyu.


Invocation to all the gods of the house of Shentiyac who watch over the process. This takes place at the beginning of the mysteries, as well every significant juncture during them.


Knowing everything which is in the house of the Shentiyac. This is the longest book in the Mystery text and describes all the objects deployed in the celebration and how they are used.

BOOKS 6 & 7

Both describe the sequence of events of the festival.



The Mystery Text is located on the west, south and east walls. It also contains a representation of the festival of Sokar with the procession of priests.


The mummies of Khentamentiyu and Sokar were probably made in this room. There are pictures of Shentiyac making the mummies and gestation in the tank garden. Since Shentiyac works at night the ceiling is decorated with the Babylonian zodiac as well as a traditional Egyptian representation of the sky. There are 77 guardian gods depicted and depiction of a vigil.


Re-presents the coffin of Osiris which represents the sky with scenes of his resurrection. There are depictions of boats connected with the sailing of 22 Khoiak, as well as a skylight to help germinate the grain.


Has picture of the embalming of Osiris and was where the figures were embalmed.


Here were the niches where the newly made figures where stored until next year while the old ones were unwrapped and placed in miniature coffins. The ceiling shows the union of Nu and Geb, earth and sky.


This is the place where the mystery was realized the procession of Sokar ended.

Papyrus Bremmer-Rhind (BM 10188)

! Formal sacred text written in Hieratic (early cursive) script.

! Was in the possession of a priest of N (Thebes) named Nesmin.

! Is dated to the 12th year, fourth month of the Innundation of Pharaoh Alexander son of Alexander.

! Contains four books: (1) The Songs of Isis and Nepthys (2) The Ritual of Bringing in Sokar (3) Book of the Overthrowing of Apep (4) The Names of Apep which shall not be.

! These books are scripts that provide words to go with the actions performed during the Mysteries of Osiris in the Month of Khoiak.

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