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Final Report 

1.    Describe your role in the project and how it compares with the way you  initially described it. You may wish to include samples of your work and, of course, photographs and video recordings of your performance, or to have your group, as described in section 2 below, submit a single packet of material clearly labeled with the names of all participants in the group.

    1 page- 

2.     Evaluate your own performance in the project, and that of other members of your working group.

    1 page- 

3.     Whom do you consider to have been the three most valuable contributors to your group’s success?

    1 page- 

4. Explain carefully and in detail how your participation in the project and your group’s performance allowed you better to understand  the significance of the project and better to understand and analyze the material in the course, especially those materials covered since your last examination.

    3 pages-

Due:  Wednesday 7 April 08:30 244 Vanier College. 

All essays must be delivered directly to the professors.  Under no circumstances are essays to be slipped  under doors or given to secretaries; such essays will be considered not received.  Failure to hand in this report will result in a failing grade for the major assignment.

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