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CUPE 3903 Strike News
--+ December 2, 2008 +--

In This Issue: 

  1. Upcoming GMMs

  2. Rally Downtown In Solidarity with 3903  - Buses from Campus

  3. Strike Accessibility Meeting

  4. Teach-ins on the Picket Line



1. Upcoming General Membership Meetings


Please go to: http://www.3903strike.ca/members-only/calendar to view a full calendar of upcoming meetings (for all committees).


Due to the hectic nature of being on Strike, the Executive Committee has arranged to have general membership meetings scheduled until mid December. Please note the dates and locations below. Tentative agendas will follow a few days prior to a scheduled GMM.




Wednesday, December 3: 4-8:30 pm

Trinity-St Paul's Church, Sanctuary - 427 Bloor St W


Thursday, December 11: 4-8:30 pm

Meron Banquet - 1600 Steeles Ave. West



Picket lines will be coming down at 2pm on days when GMMs are scheduled.



Please bring Photo ID and your York University September/October pay stub to prove your membership in CUPE 3903. Your ID will be checked against a membership list at the door. Non-CUPE members will not be allowed to enter the room. (If you are interested in helping on the credentials committee, please email Christina christina.rousseau@gmail.com -- you will have to arrive 30 minutes prior to the GMM).



According to our Equity Guidelines, this meeting is only supposed to last for 3 hours with the possibility of extending a maximum of 3 times for 30 minutes each. It is the responsibility of the entire membership to ensure that we stick to this time-frame to ensure that all members are able to participate in the meeting and make the necessary arrangements for childcare, etc.



- The GMM will be held in an accessible space with access to accessible washrooms.

- Accessible transportation subsidies are available (to arrange please send an email to Carolyn cupe3903tfac@gmail.com). Childcare subsidies are also available (to arrange please send an email to Carolyn cupe3903tfac@gmail.com).

- If members require ASL interpretation please contact Sheila Wilmot at cupe3903.equity.officer@gmail.com


2. Rally Downtown in Solidarity with CUPE 3903: ON STRIKE AT YORK UNIVERSITY


Picket Lines will be coming down at 11 AM. Those signed up for the 10-2 shift can attend the rally instead, and those signed up for the 1-5 shift can attend the GMM instead, to receive strike pay.

Buses Available from Campus to Rally

3 different pick up spots
Main Gate (Keele and York Boulevard)
Northwest Gate (Steeles just east of Jane) The picket captains will flag you in.
635 Petrolia Road http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Toronto&state=ON&address=635+Petrolia
@ 11:30 to leave @ around 11:50


 Fight against the Casualization and Devaluation of Educational Work

Contract Faculty, Teaching and Graduate Assistants at York University have been off the job since November 6th. December 3rd will be Day 28 of our strike.  We are calling on all unions, allies & supporters to come out to show your solidarity on:

Wednesday December 3rd, 1pm
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

900 Bay St. (Bay and Wellesley) Toronto

CUPE 3903 Strikers, Deena Ladd -Workers Action Centre, Sid Ryan - President of CUPE Ontario, Cheri Di Novo - NDP MPP Parkdale-High Park, York University Faculty Association, Ontario Public Service Employees Union and others��

What are we striking for:

We are fighting against the widespread casualization of teaching jobs at York and across colleges and universities in Ontario. Our struggle is for a fair contract, a living wage, job security for contract faculty, and a reinstatement of benefit funds and ensures that university education is accessible to all!

Justice, equity, quality and accessible education are everyone's right:

CUPE 3903 members do more than 50% of the teaching at York University yet our contract is worth a mere 7.5% of the University's budget! There are about 900 contract faculty at York, some of whom have been teaching there for more than 10 years. York treats them as disposable workers. This strike is about justice and equity. Nearly 60% of these contract faculty are women, a quarter are Aboriginal or from racialized groups, and 28% have children under the age of 18. A number are single parents.

 Ontario Universities and Colleges are behaving like private corporations. If York keeps making huge savings on the backs of those who do the core work of teaching students, the die is cast for post-secondary education throughout Ontario. Tell Minister John Milloy to make Universities and Colleges publicly accountable by putting priorities where they belong �C into the classroom and into good jobs.

 For updates and online action visit: www.3903strike.ca

Precarious work is becoming a reality for more and more workers in all sectors

Lets stand together to stop the devaluation of people's work and lives



3. Strike Accessibility Meeting 

Wednesday Dec. 3, 11:30 am - 1 pm Room 227 OISE
All members concerned about strike accessibility are encouraged to attend


4. Teach-ins on the Picket Lines


This Week �C Teach-ins for the Times


North-West-Gate Picket Line Speaker's Series

Please join the NW picket line (Environmental Studies, English, Kinesiology) at the NW Gate, off of Steeles W, to participate in our exciting event, following with discussions on the line.

@ 1:00 pm �C> Equity, Labour, and Health
Speaker: Dr. Sarah Flicker, Faculty of Environmental Studies

NW Gate Picket Line SPEAKERS SERIES events will be posted regularly ��

Following the great initiative of the Sociology Mobilization Committee at Shoreham picket line, the NW Gate speaker's series aims to mix and promote politics, discussion, and fun on our picket line. Its goal is to help us utilize our means of intellectual production within our everyday struggle during the strike and keep the political alive.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Shoreham Drive Picket Line Speaker's Series

** all the way from the University of Georgia! **

@ 10:00 am �C> Political Ecologies of Mutualism & Agitation: locating the political in (feminist/black) non-violent direct action

Speaker: Professor Nik Heynin, Department of Geography, University of Georgia

Organizer's note: Nik was prepared to present at Geography's Colloquium but he'll be joining us on the lines instead. For more information about this speaker, visit Nik Heynin's home page.

Each one teach one.

the picket line speaker's series is an initiative of the sociology mobilization committee. its purpose is to make picketing more interesting & fun and to help us take back our means of intellectual production.

if you would like help organizing the picket line speaker's series on your line, or if you would like to be a presenter, please contact akt@yorku.ca





CUPE Local 3903 | York University, 104 East Office Building

4700 Keele St., Toronto Ontario M3J-1P3
Tel: 416-736-5154 | Fax: 416-736-5480 | http://www.cupe3903.tao.ca
Please note that the cupe3903news@gmail.com email account is for outgoing messages only.
Direct all inquiries directly to staff or executive committee members.

Copyright © 2008 Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3903


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