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Membership 2011-12 (Under review)

John Amanatides, Master, Bethune College and Catherine Salole, Director Student Community and Leadership Development (Co-chairs)
Robert Cerjanec, Student and President, Founders College Council
Ian Crookshank, Assistant Director, Residence Life, SCLD
Laura D'Amelio, Manager, Print and E Media Content Development, VPS Communications
Shirly Gossack, Manager, Student Engagement, LA&PS
David Ip Yam, Student and President, McLaughlin College Council
Michael Kasaboski, Orientation and Student Success Assistant, SCLD
David Leyton-Brown, Master, Calumet College
John Mayberry, Academic Advisor, Winters College
Ross McMillan, Assistant Director, Student Community, SCLD
Angel Mena, Manager, Registrarial Communications & Training
Claire Simpson, Student, Don and Red Zone Ambassador
Lynda Tam, Director, Academic Affairs, Faculty Fine Arts
Lara Ulbaldi, Teaching innovation & Student Learning Officer, AVP Teaching and Learning


Focus first on the transition to university, leaving the broader student experience and student space, etc. for future discussions
Review what is already being done re. transition (e.g., Red Zone, virtual communities) and how to build on/expand it, and may survey incoming students for feedback (in consultation with Glenn Craney)
Consider what synergies and communities can be created when students are on campus for academic advising over the summer?
Inform students about opportunities for support as part of advising
Consider what should be communicated to students in advance of the advising
Appointment? Summer Transition Program Advising, orientation, student space
Pathways - Co-curricular record, plans forward looking instead of looking back