
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction 3
1 The Bienfait Coalfields 8
2 John Billis and Family 25
3   Boruk's Boarding House   34
4   August: Gaining Momentum   46
5   September:  On Strike   62
6   Strikers versus the Strip Mine   77
7   The Parade   87
8   Sticking with the Union   95
9   The Trials   111
10   Spreading of Seeds   127

Appendix 1.  Changing Organization of Capital in the
Bienfait/Estevan Coalfields   139

Appendix 2. Proposed Contract, Estevan District   140

Appendix 3.  History of Union Organization in the
 Bienfait/Estevan Coalfields   141

Notes   143
Annotated Bibliography   161
Illustration Credits   169
Index   171