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Answers to Question 13: What disadvantages have you encountered in using the MTRR?
There are 67 answers to this question.

67. RESXqr <a href="http://zhsanvacuhnz.com/">zhsanvacuhnz</a>, [url=http://jsfilblzxsti.com/]jsfilblzxsti[/url], [link=http://nnjnmhlhjuxi.com/]nnjnmhlhjuxi[/link], http://udjazpkrcvbo.com/
66. gpzEht <a href="http://bxqvgmsszrfa.com/">bxqvgmsszrfa</a>, [url=http://wvwjmolxurjm.com/]wvwjmolxurjm[/url], [link=http://vspeizdzltxl.com/]vspeizdzltxl[/link], http://mtyasihapgca.com/
65. ebXAu7 <a href="http://phzllcddeiqj.com/">phzllcddeiqj</a>, [url=http://xqaennsbrptu.com/]xqaennsbrptu[/url], [link=http://lzktjpumkaxe.com/]lzktjpumkaxe[/link], http://scxnhsadpzqh.com/
64. n/a
63. Time! I don't have the time to access and read/listen to them. I would like to, but as a teacher in a busy school, I am left with little time for myself and family.
62. none
61. none
60. None
59. Much prefer a concrete form of correspodence and a real human being with human contact and voice. A persoal touch or booklet that clarifies expectations would help.
58. I just don't have time to read it/go through it. I felt overwhelmed by the amount of emails, and did not have time to wade through what was relevant/important.
57. Though available, not able to access them before the TCs arrive. I usually do it at a time that is convenient to me and it's usually afte the TC has visited for that week.
56. too many emails being sent- not sure of what is important and what is not.
55. not yet
54. It is somewhat time consuming, but I still think that it is beneficial.
53. I try to read as much as possible the information provided.
52. Could not find a sample of how to fill in the TC's evaluation
51. N/A
50. Can take a lot of time to listen to podcasts.
49. Put a calendar- so hard for us to keep up with when they have class, then they don't, they then have a special speaker and arn't coming- very much of a dissadvantage to them, us and the students with the inconsistencies of the block- Give them a one month solid, uninterrupted block like other places. also- I don't like the evaluation form. Queens has a great model- check marks AND comment bank. Oise also has a checklist for the interim feedback which I think would be a useful model for half-way check point in the block.
48. Documents were sometimes refered to, that I had no idea how to obtain or what was being refered to.
47. None
46. I don't listen to the podcasts but I read the information.
45. Sometimes the emails are a bit overwhelming and difficult to read since so many come at once.
44. I would still rather get the whole package that is needed the old fashioned way as I do not have time to go online and checking it out ...I 'd rather sit on the couch and read it the old fashioned way so maybe you need to send one in paper format and other one online for those who prefer it that way- thanks
43. I need to have access to a computer. i prefer a handbook that I can carry around with me to reference.
42. It is only accessible with an internet connection and living on residence, the connection is not always available.
41. None
40. No disadvantages as such, just a lack of time to access and read all the information.
39. there is a lot of paper work. It seems the focus is on procedure rather than actual lesson
38. None
37. There are no disadvantages in using the MTRR.
36. none really, though I have to admit that sometimes it feels a bit overwhelming -- like I'm shirking my responsibilities if I don't get to them. In fact, I answered the way I did about the podcasts as I just haven't taken the time to watch them, but that wasn't really an option to check.
35. none
34. At some point it would be nice to speak to a real person.
33. Especially at the beginning,these e-mails looked dauntingly long and tedious to read.
32. Sometimes short on time to really use it. When I did I thought it was worthwhile.
31. Time. Just not enough time. I am familiar with having a student teacher adn ahve found that the material was mostly what I laready knew so it became a lower priority to check it.
30. n/a
29. too much to read
28. None really.
27. The time it takes to read everything online can be daunting, especially when you have a challenging class.
26. None
25. Time consuming especially during school reporting periods. Takes time to get accustomed to set up and layout.
24. Sometimes the informations are long and I nned to take time to follow up.
23. n/a
22. A couple of times I have had trouble navigating the site. It took me a while to find a section.
21. The print is very small when you print them.
20. None
19. None
18. It doesn't have the OISE/UT forms that I find useful in mentoring teacher candidates. The current interim assessment form that York provides is entirely useless in terms of providing teacher candidates with meaningful feedback.
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