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Answers to Question 11: What do you hope to learn in this class?
There are 113 answers to this question.

113. To learn the diverse forms of the dance culture
112. PtnscujQWRmWA
111. Learn about a variey dance forms and also practice those forms
110. basic ballet
109. New techniques
108. How to appreciate and understand dance
107. how to move better
106. Many views and forms of dance.
105. New types of dance movements.
104. different dances
103. about different dances around the world, and their historical bases
102. different types of non -traditional dancing
101. the culture of dance and how to critique many forms of dance
100. all different types of dance
99. Different types of dance from around the world.
98. More about cultural dance
97. I hope to learn how to move my body freely and be able to become more flexible and i also hope to learn more about dance and what it truly is.
96. new styles and techniques of dance
95. new movements
94. how to be creative with one another.
93. I hope to expand my mind in terms of how I see dance and therefore become a better dancer in the future.
92. Many different types of dance moves and about the culture and origin they are from
91. I hope to learn various dancing techniques and various forms of dance
90. Better dance skills and a more flexible body
89. learn about different styles of dance (cultures)
88. i definetely want to broadon my herizons when it comes to different kinds of dances - i want to learn how each dance came to what its at today and hopefully learn how to do all these unique dances.
87. i hope to learn about different styles of dance
86. To be able to view different aspects of dance and be able to understand the movement and background
85. About different kinds of dancing
84. The basics on dance movements and choreography.
83. How to dance ballroom with modern dancing and how to dance properly.
82. The importance of dance in the world
81. I hope to learn more about dance in different cultures and learn new ways to explore movement. I also hope to experience different types of dance!
80. Honest movement
79. anything and everything, i want to know everything that i can about dance.
78. I hope to learn different types of dances.
77. Different forms of dance to be able to teach my students in school. Understand different forms of expression. Increase an appreciation for dance.
76. something new about dance that i would never be able to come across on my own
75. A deeper appreciation for the different aspects of dance.
74. I want to be able to look at dance from different perspectives.
73. Different culture's outlooks on a number of styles of dance.
72. Different cultures dancing that i have never studied.
71. That there is such a bigger world outside the dance studio!
70. Expressions of dance
69. I hope to gain a whole new perspective on dance, other than just the technique.
68. Anything and everything about dance !
67. From this class, I am hoping to learn more about the charactereistics of different dances in comparison to each other.
66. different styles of dance that i am not used to
65. I hope to learn that dancing is a way to free your mind, body and soul from the stresses of life. In addition to that i hope to better understand the art of dance in a cultural perspective.
64. A new dance style.
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