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Answers to Question 11: What do you hope to learn in this class?
There are 48 answers to this question.

48. LbolAyAVrLp
47. If I were: the ability to further my creative expression through dance
46. If I were: the ability to further my creative expression through dance
45. different dance forms, as well as how different dances evolved as time went by.
44. More about dance in general - this is the first time I've ever really studied it.
43. I hope to get yet another perspective on dance.
42. To learn how to better read many forms of dance
41. More on how to read dance and the impact it has on our multicultral society
40. what dance represents in popular culture to different people
39. the understanding of dance
38. I hope to broaden my perspectives in dance
37. How to promote dance in society and relate it to our popular culture
36. I hope to see the dance films watched in a whole new light. I want to discover things I had not noticed before.
35. Just more about dance and how it can effect our culture
34. How to watch and read dance critically
33. The way that a classical, "high" artform has been disseminated into everyday mainstream existence
32. More about culture and how to analyse dance within culture
31. what is it about dance that gives us an amazing feeling, a feeling of happiness?
30. Anything. It doesn't matter. Whatever knowledge I receive is important.
29. How dance is valuable in a social context.
28. to critically discuss the meaning being dance films and its significance in our society
27. how to view a film critically,as well as develop my writing skill.
26. Something I don't already know.
25. I hope to develop my critical thinking and writing skills
24. How to better analyze dance in film.
23. i hope to learn more about dance and culture from a different perspective aside from the western culture
22. more then i already know, something new
21. The importance that dance holds to others, more than myself.
20. I just hope to expand on my knowledge of dance films and see aspects of them that i had not previously considered.
19. the importance of dance in bigger social context.
18. I hope to get some insight as to how dance is represented in film and how culture/gender/politics/sexuality etc. shape how we watch movies and associate with them.
17. Why dance is used as an expression in some films and not just language. Or what that dance is saying? What it's standing in for?!
16. I hope to discover things i may have not observed before when watching dance movies. I hope to strengthen my dance analysis skills in general.
15. to learn more about dance and what drives people to dance as a form of expression
14. I hope to better my critical thinking skills. Also, to find new methods to analyze dance films that I can apply to those I will watch in the furure.
13. How to analyse dance films.
12. I hope to learn a bit more about different styles of dance as well as why dance films are so influential on our modern society. I know I love them, but I hope to learn why the rest of the world feels the same way.
11. I hope to gain further knowlege of the impact of dance as an inspirational cinematic decision, as well as the portrayals of those who study different dance forms within these popular motion pictures.
10. Anything!
9. I hope to be able to learn how to think critically about my art form, in all of its expressions.
8. How to analyze dance from a non techinical view, but from a popular view.
7. More about the power of dance.
6. I hope to advance my learning and ability to analyze and think critically.
5. I want to learn more about ourselves, communities, institutions, cultures, and the role of dance within those areas and in these films and learn how to critique them effectively.
4. I hope to learn how to watch dance films with a more critical eye and then be able to have something significant to say about it.
3. I hope to learn many different things and gain a better understanding about the importance of dance to our society as well as to ourselves as individuals.
2. As a studio dancer I was used to one particular style of dance and as I left that atmosphere I became aware of various other types of dancing. I hope to develop a deeper understanding of other forms of dancing.
1. I hope to learn how to better express myself through dance, and to understand the meaning behind different dance expression.
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