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Answers to Question 8: What could be done to ensure a better session next time?
There are 24 answers to this question.

24. Have the examples prepared on slides to save time.
23. More interactive
22. Very boring and same as first year - too long- could have done in 10 minutes
21. More interactive
20. More interactive - give us time to research on our laptops.
19. N/A
18. Have it in the computer labs so everyone can access everything together
17. Built upon previous presentation since many of us have had the nearly identical presentation in previous years
16. N/A
15. A more interactive handout.
14. In library Follow along
13. Make everyone needs to have laptop to follow like a tutorial
12. Maybe more interaction
11. Nothing
10. Save the trees!
9. N/A
8. N/A
7. Nothing I can think of.
6. None - definite improvement than previous session, short and sweet
5. -a bit shorter -not too much info about homepage
4. -It was good but sometimes we were moving so fast from one topic/database to the next -ensure that student's practice as we go along- maybe back at a lab so that students can try -will help students remember presentation better
3. Perhaps more interaction if possible at all.
2. Nothing. It was just right.
1. More entertainment.
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