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Answers to Question 6: What I found most useful about this session was:
There are 33 answers to this question.

33. Explanation of how to access all of the databases online and narrow search for relevant marketing information.
32. How the librarian took the class through examples of researching online.
31. Wide variety of resources available. Toni is very nice.
30. Search tips. Finding our about guides.
29. Marketing specific databsaes and what to search
28. The extent of all various access to databases that I was unaware of.
27. Course specific examples and resources.
26. I wish we would have gotten it in other courses. Only had it once in 2nd year Marketing. Very useful for next project.
25. Finding out course specific online resources.
24. All of it! Web resources.
23. -All the resources I didn't know about -Going over new interface
22. Very applicable examples to the course.
21. Learning about the e-resources and getting the links.
20. Overview of resources such as Rebrand, Interbrand, and Marketline.
19. Found really good sources/websites
18. The specific websites and resources that provide information useful for the course.
17. Showing websites with relevant info - SWOTs, competitor analyzes etc.
16. Explaining how websites work rather than just telling us what is in them.
15. The various journals that are available for students to use and how to use, as well as which ones have what type of info.
14. Demonstration
13. The different databases online and in the reference section were extremely useful.
12. Toni walked through class specific examples for us that would be beneficial for upcoming assignments.
11. Had useful tools that can be useful for all classes.
10. Learning about how to access different resource sites.
9. The sources available on the web and how to search and use them.
8. All websites for knowing better companies
7. To learn how to use tools. I had no idea about these tools.
6. Going through the search steps - it seems straight forward but I wasn't aware of all the functions.
5. Using "live" internet to show us then and there. Explained somethings that are not on the slides. Need to direct link to Facebook - Schulich "Athena" useful links. [can't read word] should be in BBA hand guide for froshies (1st years).
4. -the availability of different resources -the applicability of the information and resources to almost all of my courses.
3. The handouts are helpful for students to remember which databases they need. SWOT was excellent! Wished I knew this information before.
2. Learning how to maneuver through the vast amount of resources.
1. -Useful e-resources available through York, and other online resources -Useful books and how to find information fast and efficient
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