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Answers to Question 8: What could be done to ensure a better session next time?
There are 22 answers to this question.

22. Nothing
21. Nothing. It was really good.
20. A little shorter presentation.
19. Maybe cut down the time a bit.
18. Go slower.
17. Come earlier in the semester.
16. Do this in each course! Great tie in to the assignment.
15. In a computer lab maybe.
14. Fewer handouts? The slides were great and a good starting point.
13. Have this session earlier in the year so that we can incorporate research for other classes and projects.
12. Less information on how to search and truncation.
11. Shorter session
10. N/A
9. Have this session in more marketing 3rd and 4th year courses.
8. -Maybe cut down the length of the session - the session should be presented before the first assignment
7. Nothing
6. Maybe cut out some information especially towards the end of the presentation.
5. Should have taught this sooner. Too little too late!
4. Having this tutorial in an actual computer lab setting so that I can follow along and actually get guided experience while learning.
3. Too many sources (information overload).
2. Do the same
1. - come to more classes! -longer session -host session in a computer lab -spend more time
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